Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Help

I finished The Help today by Kathryn Stockett.  To describe the book as excellent is understated.  That word just doesn't quite capture it.  Not even a little bit.  The book left me longing.  Not in the "something else needs to happen because this book sucked" kind of way.  But in the "this book CANNOT end yet, it just CANNOT" kind of way!  I was in tears at the end and my heart was so heavy for the characters in this book.  And not just the characters.  For anyone who had to live through the ignorance of slavery and integration and all that ensued.  And for anyone who still has to put up with the ignorance that is still out there.  I found myself getting so angry at so many points in this book, over the treatment of African Americans and the Jim Crow laws.  I started reading through the Jim Crow laws tonight and I just kept getting angrier as I read more.  Yet I forced myself on, because after all, I didn't have to endure that; it surely isn't going to hurt me to READ about what went on.  I cannot even begin to imagine what life was like, and is still like in some places.  Because I know that there are still idiots out there who think that the Jim Crow laws should be reinstated.  And I'm not even worried about offending anyone here. I don't care.  There is no excuse for that kind of stupidity and ignorance.  I have so much respect for what African Americans have had to endure throughout history, and the dignity with which they have endured it.  This book was eye-opening for me, and broke my heart because while the story itself may be fiction, I know that much worse happened in reality and none of it was right!  There was NO excuse and I am so thankful for everyone who stood up and fought back so we could all be where we are today.  It's just so sad that our history is tainted as it is.  And of course racism wasn't something new...I mean, have you ever read anything about the Samaritans back in Bible times?  Anyway...I didn't intend to write all of that.  This is just what happens sometimes.  :-)  All of that to say I highly recommend this book!


  1. Thought this was a great book! I've recommended it to everyone I know. So funny too because not long after reading it we moved from FL to AL. Most of our friends here have "help". Gave me a whole other perspective! Thanks for stopping by. Following you now too! G'night!

  2. Hi, thanks for dropping by, I'm following you back!
