Monday, April 9, 2012

Still celebrating

I know that a lot of you aren't used to all this "God" stuff I've been posting lately, but I can't apologize for it.  Well, I can.  But I won't.  I've always been one to just write whatever is going on in my life and in my heart, and GOD is going on in my life and in my heart.  So, if this offends you or turns you away, it won't bother me if you choose not to read my blog.  If you intend to stick around, don't worry.  There will still be funny, sarcastic posts.  That's still me.  I didn't lose my sense of humor just because God captured my heart.  But it is important to me to document this journey that I am on and where I am at in my life; so if there are a lot of posts about God, it is because He is very real to me, in a way I never fully comprehended before.  And I can't help but write about it.

That being said, while perusing Facebook this morning, per my usual let's-be-lazy-first-thing-in-the-morning routine that sometimes continues into early afternoon, I came across a video someone had posted.  I don't always watch the videos posted all over Facebook, but the title of the video intrigued me.  And because this understanding is still so fresh and new for me, I still find myself trying to take in every new song that relates to Jesus' death on the Cross; as you are well aware, music speaks to me, and now, the significance of the Cross and Jesus taking my punishment is so real, I'm still grasping on to everything that reminds me of Christ's sacrifice.  Watching this video, I was NOT disappointed.  It touched my heart and even though "Easter" is over, doesn't mean we have to stop celebrating!  Nor should we.  I think each day should be lived in the shadow of the Cross and what was done for us.

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