Thursday, April 19, 2012

Draw Something

If you've "seen" me on Facebook or been drawing with me, this post should come as no surprise to you.  To say I'm addicted to the point of withdrawal if there is nothing to guess a little hooked would be a HUGE slight understatement.  I just discovered this game, Draw Something, yesterday.

Actually, someone must have told me about it or I saw someone post about it on Facebook because at some point in the recent past, I had already downloaded it to my phone.  But I never did anything with it.  Until yesterday.

I was blessed to go thrift store shopping and have lunch with my dear Jennifer (I won't talk about the time we almost had to FLEE for our lives from the FLEA market, or what we thought was a flea market...).  She's the next best thing to God and my husband (as far as adults/not kids go).  I love her. A lot.  We are bosom friends, as I have often said before, like Anne and Diana from Anne of Green Gables.  I couldn't have made it through the last 2 years without her in my life and I hope that we are friends that still talk when we're in our eighties.  I really do.  I would be lost without her.


So we were at lunch and she showed me a picture of what looked like the world and it said "globe" on it.  She asked if I knew what it was.  I was world?  Then she showed me that there were letters to choose from.  Turns out neither one of us could figure out that it was EARTH.  In retrospect, the ten year old that had drawn it had done a really great job of depicting it.  But somehow, we adults had a little trouble puzzling it out.

I immediately went to look for the game in the Android Market (well, Google Play now I guess which is weird if you ask me as I continue in a very long run on phrase), and found that I had already installed it to my phone.  So I instantly started a game with Jennifer and I was HOOKED.  I was all I could think about.  I started adding everyone I could that I thought MIGHT play it.  Turns out I have about 10-12 friends that I am already playing with, but as any good addict would be, I am always open to more.  If you want to play with me, email me and I'll give you my username.

So, instead of getting heavy and emotional tonight, which I had planned to do (but for the sake of my husband going to bed at a decent hour I am choosing something light and fun), we're going to dig deep into Draw Something.

#1.  I'm HORRIBLE at drawing on paper.
#2.  I'm equally horrible at drawing with my finger on my phone's screen.
#3.  I'm persistent so horrible or not, I WILL play this game!
#4.  I'm a little pathetic and crazy over-the-top, and I actually took pictures on my camera to post here.  I'm a dork, I know.
#5.  The best picture I have drawn was one of Gandalf (the Gray) and sadly, I didn't think to take a picture of how awesome it was.
#6.  If you're still here, the pictures are coming and then this post will be over.  I promise.  :-)

So here is the concept if you are unfamiliar.  You have to pick one of those three words to draw.  Each one is worth either one, two, or three coins.  The more coins the better because they only start you out with four colors, and with coins, you can get more colors or bombs (which can be used to destroy some of the letters to help you guess a word.  I always try to choose the hardest one, but sometimes have to settle for something simpler.  This time, I decided to try Eminem.

As promised, I am a horrible artist most of the time.  My stick figure is supposed to be holding a microphone and as an added hint, I drew some M&M's.  This is for my sister.  I think she'll figure it out.  One thing I have found is if you play with multiple people, you tend to get some of the same words.  I really love when they throw in things from The Hunger Games, like Primrose, District, Tribute.  Those are fun!  Jennifer also said that they have some Harry Potter ones and she's right because Hermoine came up the other day, but I didn't try it because I was afraid the other person wouldn't know how to spelled her name.

So, once it is your turn to guess, you tap the screen.

You see my letter "bank" down there?  I've got one bomb left (I started with 5).  I have been more conservative about using them now.  So, I wait to see what my friend will draw.  And you see if they mess up, erase something, delete the page and start a new one.  It's really very amusing.  It's equally amusing sometimes to watch them try to guess what you have drawn.

Hey, I got it right!!!

This part is interesting.  If you SKIP your turn, this # resets itself.  I'm anal and so I want all my numbers to be high.  Right now, with this friend, our record is 15 correct answers in a row.  And best of all, my husband is playing with me (which I seriously love-it's one of those little things he can do to show me he loves me).  Our current winning streak, which will likely break my heart if it ever ends, is 78!!!  We played a lot last night!  If you skip your turn, your streak starts over again.

Here is another one I drew.  Maybe you can get the idea?  Who wants to guess what iI was trying to draw?

Lastly, this handy little business-expense-that-I-just-got-today-and-just-happens-to-benefit-me-with-Draw-Something has been great!!  I really plan to use it with my Little Bishop Creations business!  When I accept credit card payments of over $25, my customers have to sign and while they CAN sign with their finger, I thought it would look more professional to have something that looks like a pen.  Plus, now I can draw better.  And you saw my drawing.  That was with the pen.  Imagine how awful it would be without it!!!  ;-)
So there you have it.  My lame, geeking out post on Draw Something.  We let Katherine put it on her phone, which has no plan but does have Wi-Fi, and we do let her play the game with us too.  It's really very fun and so much easier to keep up with.  Even though I love Scrabble and Words with Friends, they just aren't as user friendly as Draw Something.  If you have it, or decide to download it, I want to play with you!

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