Sunday, April 29, 2012

Late night blogging

I'm up to a little late night blogging tonight, primarily because I can't sleep.  I'm finally done with my 6 day dose of Prednisone and didn't take any pain medicine today except for Ibuprofen, so maybe that is a factor as well, in addition to my legs aching.  Not sure if it was the crouching on the floor spot washing it with Clorox wipes (because that's how I roll) or just achy in general but regardless, it's annoying.  I've been annoyed by everything ever since I started taking that Prednisone.  So glad to be done with it and hoping that my mood will improve.  Being in constant blinding pain didn't help either I suppose, but fortunately, that seems to be back to a tolerantly manageable level.

I don't have anything of great significance to say tonight really.  Nothing spiritually profound and sadly, doubtless anything humorous.  It's been a crazy week, starting with my neck drama and ending with a flooded, muddy basement (in addition to all the other normal "crazy").  I got really obsessive about my kitchen today and cleaned it thoroughly, including the floors, the exhaust fan, the counter doors, dishwasher, outside of refrigerator.  I don't get like this often, and normally my back can't handle it.  But I made it through, then did the same in the dining room.  I'll pay for it tomorrow (and apparently tonight) but it made me feel less guilty about Kris being down in the basement tackling THAT mess!!!  I have never been happier that we chose to lay tile down there after the last flood!  But the slimy mud all over the tile is a new and frustrating mess to deal with.  Kris is *almost* done.  Sort of.  The kids had been piling dirty laundry in the utility room for who knows how long now and so the kids and Kris have been doing laundry all day long, as all of those clothes were soaked through and muddy.  SO glad I wasn't dealing with that.  There is still more wet laundry, but Kris has forbid me to do any laundry tomorrow until the workers kids are home to switch it and bring it upstairs.  As it is, I have four baskets full of clean clothes happily smirking at me right now.  The two in my room are smirking too I am sure, but I can't see them so they don't count.

I talked to my mom today and found out that one of my aunts isn't doing very well right now.  I don't know all the details, except that she is on life support and the prognosis doesn't look good.  Prayers for the family would be appreciated.  I do know that she wound up with sepsis (infection in the blood) and then got a staph infection while in the hospital.  Now her kidneys are failing and her lungs are filling up.  God could and may still work a miracle, though she isn't responding to treatment, but prayers for peace regardless of the outcome are welcome.  Telling Kris about it sparked an interesting conversation about funerals and whose funeral I would go to and whose I wouldn't, but that is a topic for another day.

I love our new church, The Outpost.  I can't say enough good things about it!  And while Kris has *mostly* good things to say about it, he did express one thing that bothers him about it.  And it isn't the first time he has mentioned it.  Tony, are you ready for this?  It is actually extremely amusing, the way that he communicates it.  Remember how I told you I was obsessed with the Draw Something app?  Kris has twice now drawn a picture in the game to illustrate his one criticism with our new church in general.  I thought I would share that with you now.  If you know Kris, you know that he is a WINDOWS guy.  You know, as in NOT an APPLE guy.  People don't usually go both ways on the topic (he will  hate one and love the other-isn't that in the Bible somewhere?), thus we both have Android phones and NOT an iPhone.  The kids aren't "allowed" to have an iPod.   And as further proof that they are inferior, did you know that "iPhones" and "iPods" are not considered real words?  Singular yes.  Plural, no.  That's all the proof I need to support ANDROIDS, which IS a real word!  ;-)  So, his latest picture, lamenting the one thing that bothers him about our new church is as follows:

This cracks me up!  To get me to guess Macbook (which also appears not to be recognized as a real word), he drew a man behind a pulpit, with a Macbook on the pulpit and then wrote "Shame on Tony."  I thought of it again today when we were at church and I saw the little "apple" logo on the laptop on the pulpit. 
OK.  This is all you get from me at this time of get what you pay for right?  And I don't remember any of you paying me.  Though for a small price, if you would like to give me a topic to write about, I'm sure I could come up with something tantalizing.  Speaking of tantalizing, I plan on trying out a few recipes I found on Pinterest this pay period.  IF they turn out, THEN I'll post them on here.  If not, you will never know.  Alright, you probably will.  There just likely will not be any pictures to go along with them!!

Have a good night everyone!

1 comment:

  1. For many years I exclusively used PC's... Then my oldest son TJ - who is an Apple fanatic - insisted I try one the next time I bought a computer... Then my wonderful wife surprised me... And bought me one... So I tried it... And I have had a great experience with it. Maybe Kris would like it more than he thinks he would.... Kind of like a Ford Man admitting what he likes about Chevys... Or a Baptist admitting something good about Presbyterians! Tony
