Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I love signs.  Or taking pictures of things that, at first glance, just don't seem quite right.  And usually I end up taking the picture because I find myself so amusing that surely others will too, right?  RIGHT?!?  Let me show you some examples of what I am talking about, saving my favorite for last.  If you were following me back before my Google account got hacked, these first few may look familiar.  Hang in there until the end though, OK?

#1.  If you really want me to feel safe and trust you with my car, please spend a little bit more money on UR sign so that you can fully spell out the words.  Maybe add some color.  Maybe make it larger than a cardboard box...just some suggestions...

#2.  Initially, I have no issue with this sign.  It's comforting really.

Until I see what my children will be playing on/in, which happened to be an empty lot with large puddles of mud in it.

#3.  How reliable is Kevin really?  Anyone willing to call and find out?

#4.  A little redundant maybe?  In case it's hard to tell, it's the SAME "No Parking" sign every 5 car lengths...at least 10 in a row!!!  They REALLY don't want people parking there...

#5.  I'll answer the question you are all thinking.  No, I did NOT inquire inside!  Though I did wonder if I could maybe drop mine off for free...

#6.  Not too long ago, we went shopping for some hiking boots for Kris.  We went to Bass Pro Shops.  Or whatever it's called.  If the name is wrong, I don't care enough to look it up and fix it.  I never go to that store, but we figured they would have what we needed.  I was surprised to find that they made it really easy to shop for shoes.  For instance, hiking boots were found in the hiking boots section.  Similarly, I discovered that I have been wearing the wrong shoes to work for YEARS.  Because they have a "Work Wear" section, and I do not own a single pair of these:

#7.  As if there wasn't enough "things I could care less about" to look at in the fishing/hunting store, I was a little taken aback when I saw this next item for sale.  At first, I thought "Why would they sell that here of all places???"  But then I looked further, perused what was really being sold, and I became excited...ecstatic really.  I will let you see the picture first, and then I will share with you a conversation my sister and I had on Facebook.  You see, I posted this picture in December on Facebook and and NO ONE (except my MIL) seemed to notice it.  Or think it was funny.  So...I'd like your thoughts:

My caption for this picture read "FINALLY.  A bowl maker I can eat!  It's what I've always wanted."

My sister JUST NOW saw the picture and the following is our dialog:

Jenny:  How did I not see this before...I literally laughed out loud.  The bowl maker is edible...hahaha!

Me:  Maybe I should make it my profile pic...no one seemed to notice it and I thought it was incredibly funny!!!  I'm gonna put this on my blog."

Jenny:  It's awesome!  You can make edible bowls and then eat the maker itself.  And it's REVERSIBLE!  I, too, have been searching for an edible bowl maker, but to find one that's reversible also? All my dreams have finally come true!

Me:  I'm going to quote you on that...we should totally make an infomercial together!!!  I wonder if we can eat the cookbook too...