Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lazy, Good For Nothing...

I love my husband.  I really do.  He only annoys me almost everyday occasionally.

He does pretty much everything! very little around the house. I ask him to do EVERYTHING next to nothing.

So when I ask him to take out the trash, am I really asking that much? But he has this thing with taking out the trash. He gets irritated when he has to take the trash out more than once a day. Not because he is lazy. But because he seriously does not believe the trash can should fill up more than ONCE a day. He does not EXPECT me to cook everyday, which makes me love him even more. But he LOVES when I DO cook. So, I expect him to understand that trash will accumulate if I am actually doing stuff in the kitchen. Or when the kids pretend to clean their rooms. Or when Kaleb cleans up the living room. All of those things happened the other day.

And as I was finally getting around to my birthday cheesecake, which sadly meant my birthday had to end, the trash can began to overflow. Here is how the conversation went:

Me: Hey the trash is overflowing.

Kris: I already took out the trash TWICE today!

And then he left.  The house.  And was gone for hours!

And while he was gone I took the following picture:

When he got home, he sat down beside me and just happened to see that picture.  I was on the phone with a friend, when Kris so rudely interrupted my conversation to ask about that picture.  I told him it was going on my blog.  I HATE when he doesn't take out the trash.  But he HATES having to take the trash more than once a day.  So we are at this impasse.  And do you know what happened that night?  He did NOT take out the trash!!

YES, I know that I can take the trash out myself.  But it's just one of those jobs that I feel belong to the man.  I do most of the cooking, when I am able.  I brush the girls' hair. Someone has to.  We all know I always sometimes offer a little extra on the "holidays"...why can't he take the trash out when it needs to go out, even if he has already taken it out one or two times previously that day???


  1. Had the same problem with my previous husband. Solution.....get a bigger trash can ;-) I bought a rubbermaid laundry hamper - a 30 gallon trash bag fits just fine and even I can't fill it up more than once a day. Sometimes it takes two days!!

  2. OMgosh! You read my mind!! I'd post a pic of our overflowing trashcan but I just finished getting in trouble for mentioning that our 3 year old was singing "It's raining, it's pouring, it's raining in the kitchen" on my Facebook page the other day because we have a leaf in our roof. OOPS! I did it again ;) I'm so glad I found your blog! I've really enjoyed reading your posts!!

  3. Um. I don't know what to say about that trash! :)
