Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I'm sorry.  I'm laughing so hard right now, thinking about this week's writing prompts for the Writer's Workshop.

1. A vacation to remember.

2. Finding the balance. How do you manage? (We'll get to that!)

3. Husbands. A post that hopefully will not get you in trouble.

4. A memorable date.

5. How's that New Year's Resolution treating you?

What got me laughing was the thought about writing about how I manage a busy life with four small children, a husband, a mortgage, a full-time job, after-school activities, homework, food, etc...And I thought I was going to write about that.

And then I started thinking about our 10th anniversary trip to FL which was the best vacation I've ever had. But there was just too much to encompass. If you're interested (it won't hurt my feelings if you're not), here's my two favorites from that trip in 2009:
Oh the Romance
I Can't Stop Laughing

Husbands...a post that hopefully will not get me in trouble?  There are so many things I could say, most of which would probably get me in trouble, should my husband ever catch up on my blog.  All I can think about when I think about this is how men in general look naked.  It's gross.  In that "one" area.  Unless he's raring to go...please cover up.  Thank you.

I didn't make any New Year's Resolutions.  I probably should have...but that would have just given me one more thing to feel guilty about not accomplishing, so it is just as well (for my stress level) that I don't.

So that leaves us with a memorable date.

I think my most memorable date was the night Kris proposed.  I'll try to keep it brief...because I may fall asleep soon.  I knew the weekend before he had asked my dad if he could marry me.  This was back in '98, which has absolutely no bearing on this story whatsoever!  So Kris told me we were going to go out and I should dress nicely.  I was immediately suspicious and thinking "Could this be the night?  Could he be planning to propose?"

He took me to the restaurant we had our first date at.  He took me downtown for a carriage ride, which wasn't the most pleasant experience I've ever had.  The horse lost his shoe and WE had to get down and get it!  Moving on...

We walked around downtown St. Louis, just enjoying the view.  Well, the view we could see of the Arch, not the bright and shiny lights of the casinos!

He acted so nonchalant.  Like it was just any ordinary date.  We were doing all these romantic things...and he was NOT proposing.  I was starting to question myself and whether or not I had misunderstood what that date was all about..

And then we left downtown.  We began driving back towards the college we attended at the time.  It was early in my understanding of how St. Louis roads worked.  I was 100% convinced that Kris was taking us back to the college.  And I was PISSED.  I was livid.  I sat there quietly, fuming.  Not understanding why he would "act" like he was going to propose and then NOT propose.  I was turned around when we got on Interstate 170.  We weren't going to the college after all.  We were going back to Kris' mom's house.  I figured we were just going to play a computer game together before heading back to the college.

We walked in and I immediately noticed flowers on the table.  And I thought, "How odd.  Who got your mom flowers?"  I walked into the dining room and saw that there was a note with the flowers.  It was from Kris and I don't really remember what it said now--I have it saved somewhere.  It said something to the effect of not being able to wait to start our life together.  So I stood there reading it, still confused about how the evening had turned out.  I really thought Kris was in the other room.  But he was standing behind me the whole time!  Well, actually, when I turned around, he was down on one knee, holding up a ring.

We still laugh about how angry I was that night, thinking he wasn't going to propose after all!  That is definitely my most memorable date!


  1. How sweet. He was probably laughing on the inside at how upset you were when really he was going to propose. What a good story.

  2. Aw, that is very sweet. We women always jump to conclusions on those nights :)
