Saturday, February 5, 2011

Scared to sleep

So, remember when I wrote about the small child I believe might be living in my attic?  And remember the other day when I wrote about the dreams I was having within my dreams?  It happened again.  It was only the second night I took two Xanax to help me sleep, instead of the three my Dr. suggested.  It seems that when I only take two, I have dreams that I remember.  When I take three, I sleep better, but don't remember my dreams.  So far...

Anyway...I had another dream within a dream.  I think I've been doing too much fretting about whatever is living in my attic.  I'm so tired of hearing it scratch around up there.  I'm scared it's going to scratch its way right down into my house.  Someone said that could happen, and so I just assume that WILL happen.

So this dream in particular had a lot to do with what's living in my attic.  Because I had a dream that I went to sleep.  And while I was asleep, I dreamed that I came home and found this 55-ish year old woman with gray hair, a little heavy-set, standing in my living room.  With several of her friends. She introduced herself and told me that all the other people there were her friends and they would be living with us now.  I started freaking out and went into my bedroom.  Standing there was this short, thin, younger bald man.  Scary looking, with tattoos and just a mean look in his eyes.  I told him to get out of my house.  He stepped towards me like he was going to hurt me and told me to look at the sun room.  I looked into the sun room and it had been painted the same red color as my kitchen.  It actually looked quite nice.  And then I woke up from that dream, in my dream.  And before I fully woke up, I had another really strange dream that I told Kris about (around 3:30am) which neither of us can remember.

Bottom line is that we need to get what or WHOEVER it is that is living in my attic out of there.  And I should take 3, not 2 Xanax at night.  I'd rather NOT remember these strange dreams I am having while I am dreaming.  It's really bizarre.  I'd rather just have dreams; it's disconcerting to dream about dreaming...

Oh, and I have recently discovered the meaning of my dream about the woman living in my attic.  The fact that she had friends there and said they were going to live there must mean that there is more than ONE person living in my attic!!  EEK!

OH and I FINALLY called Animal Control and they are coming today at 3pm.  For a $50 fee...that will only "diagnose" the problem.  But I'm ready to be done!!  I'll let you know how it goes, if the snow doesn't keep them away.  I heard whatever it was "fall" this morning or something.  Thanks to my sister, I now think it must be a Wookalar.  See below:


  1. Hey thanks for coming by.
    Do you write down your dreams? If not, you should. Keep a journal by your bed. Dreams are important!
    You live in STL? Will be south of you but not far.
    I am your new follower for now! :-)
    Peace...Naila Moon

  2. Most of the time I don't remember them! When I do, I try to blog about them.

  3. Come by, I have something for you.
    ~Naila Moon
