Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One of my favorite days of the year

I'm 29 year old today.

Sure I may look 32.

My birth certificate might say 1979.

But, it's my blog and keeping with true Stephen Colbert form, my GUT tells me I am 29.

Therefore, I am 29.

And speaking of Stephen Colbert, one of the best birthday presents I got today was the fact that The Colbert Report is officially back on Hulu!  It's like Stephen Colbert worked it out, just as a birthday gift.  For me.  And to make me even happier, the first one that I could watch had this awesome clip called "The Enemy Within".  I'm not a fan of cats and so I laughed through the entire clip.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Enemy Within - Caboodle Ranch
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

My day didn't go as planned.  With this blizzard-that-wasn't-really-a-blizzard thing we had going on, and the kids going to school for all of 4 hours this week things have been chaotic.  I had planned to experiment and make a Milky Way Cheesecake.  I have yet to do it.

I went to work.  While the kids were off school, I didn't feel like being cooped up all day, so my mother-in-law graciously agreed to watch them.  I didn't get the lunch I wanted.  We were going to have Pappy's Smokehouse for lunch, but sadly they were closed due to the weather.  So we had Subway instead.

I did manage to get a massage though...which I will write about later.  Not because anything "awkward" happened...just because I am going to make it a separate post.  Because I love MassageLuxe.

We went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse.  I had to sit on a saddle.  Because that's what they do.  They yell and make you wave a napkin around.  I totally didn't want to...but I had 8 pleading eyes and 4 little mouths begging I caved!  Kris took a picture but I looked altogether AWFUL!  So, no picture proof.

Altogether, I had a good 29th birthday.  Thanks to everyone who made it a special day for me...Facebook was insane!!!  But since I like being the center of attention, it was pretty much awesome.


  1. Happy Birthday! You look awesome....Love your hair.
    Glad you had a good day. Sucks you didn't get your lunch though because food is sooo important....and I do sincerely mean that :)
    P.S. that video is pretty stinkin' funny!! (I don't like cats either)

  2. I knew there was a reason I loved you Tylaine! You complimented me, sure. You share my love for food, great. BUT YOU DON'T LIKE CATS EITHER?!? Our friendship was meant to be!!

  3. Well, Happy 29th!! Sorry I didn't "know" you two days ago :) Loved the post and the video. Who should have a THOUSAND anything, really? And cats, ew. I can only imagine what that town smells like.

  4. Haha (sorry for the slow response, but I was sleepy early last night). I wouldn't say I "hate" cats, but they are seriously not my favorite animal to have around. I had one once that I adopted while working at Petsmart when I was 16 because I felt sorry for her. I had her for over 10 years, and I can honestly say my house never smelled normal. Never again! I still wanna be BFFs though hahaha.

  5. OK...we can totally still be BFFs. As long as you don't have a cat and dress it up, and as long as it isn't training at the caboodle ranch to take over the world!
