Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mango Confetti Salsa

I'm trying a new recipe tomorrow.  It has mangoes and something called jicama.  Have you ever heard of that?  If you've ever watched the Food Network, you've probably seen someone use it at one time or another.  I remember seeing it used on Chopped.  This is the first recipe I've seen and attempted to make that has jicama.  I'm looking forward to tasting the salsa after discovering last weekend that mangoes actually tasted good.  It's amazing the foods that actually taste good, even though you've convinced yourself you hate them, solely based on never having tasted them!  So I found out that I kinda like mangoes.  I don't think I would just buy one and eat it, just because I was craving it...but I've found a new fruit I like!  I think I hate guava....and that is because I think I've actually tried that.  Maybe.  I can't remember.  I'm skeptical of jicama, again having never tasted it.  I just assume I hate it.  Plus it's a root.  Who eats roots???  Though ginger is technically a root too isn't it?  And people eat that.

I'm like that with pretty much every vegetable too, as far as living under the assumption that I hate it if I've never tried it.  I tolerate green beans, frozen/fresh peas (i.e. NOT COOKED), corn (which really isn't a vegetable even though it's classified as one).  I'll eat carrots and broccoli raw.  I think I tried asparagus once.  I don't think I hated it, but the texture bothered me.  Are potatoes vegetables?  I'll eat those.  I tolerate green peppers chopped up very small in my salad or pizza.  Let's see...I think that's it.  Oh, I do like spaghetti squash too.  That one was a pleasant surprise.

I've been on the new muscle relaxer for almost two weeks now.  Overall it has really improved my sleep.  I think last night I actually slept from 11:30pm to 5am without waking up.  At least, I do not remember waking up and rolling over or anything!  This is HUGE for me!  It is very rare for me to sleep more than one to two hours at a time, so I'd say this is improvement!  My head and neck are hurting pretty bad tonight, but I think it's just because I have myself stressed out over an open house I am having tomorrow, combined with the fact that my house is filthy.  All the time.  Speaking of that...

You know those people who say "Oh my house is ALWAYS dirty!" and you go in and at best you can see a little dust here and there?  Where they have kids AND the floor is spotless, no stains from kool-aid or chocolate, gum or vomit?  Every where you look it's clean?  And it's like that EVERY time you go over there?  Yeah...that is NOT my house.  When I say my house is house is MESSY.  ALL THE TIME.  It only gets cleaned when we have people over.  Which of course makes me want to have people over every day, just to keep up with it...but who wants to always be cleaning?  Not me!  And if you get to know us well enough, it gets to the point where I don't even care anymore.  What is so frustrating is that within 12 hours the house will be trashed again.  And I am NEVER home.  How does this happen?  It doesn't even make sense.  How can 6 people who occupy a home but are never there manage to make it so messy?  It will forever remain a mystery. 


  1. You will have to let us know how the salsa turns sounds good!

    My house is gross all the time... like all the time.. I love a clean home...but I think it is because of the busy lifestyle...who can even think of hanging up a coat... or picking up your bath towels...or heck wiping up something in the fridge... or ahem...putting away your clothes before the dog sheds on them making them fit for the wash...AGAIN...

    come over to my blog and help me think up a random act of kindness for my blog-anniversary!

  2. Love this are not alone " my house is MESSY. ALL THE TIME" that made me laugh - Same here!! I'm actually a crazy clean freak so i leave wrk and run home to clean before the gang gets home but a few hours later its messy again!! I even clean when everyone goes to bed so i wake up to a clean house!So exhausting!!! Love your blog!!I i'm officially following you!! Happily off to explore more of your beautiful inspirations!! ~Marilyn from ..Hope you can stop by and share in my fun sometime!! :)))
