Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop

I realized too late that I did NOT participate in the writer's workshop last week.  I am a bit disappointed in myself, considering I was trying to commit to writing for the workshop every week, even if I didn't post the rest of the week (which would make me sad!).

To say that work and family and life in general has been insane would be the understatement of the century.  Some good, some bad.  Work has been chaotic, which is good, because it means we have more business coming in.  But it's bad because I've had so much tension in my neck and shoulders.  I am not able to keep up with everything at work, and my anal, controlling self is not handling that very well.

Additionally, as I am trying to build my own business back up, I have been so busy getting shows booked and closed and that is the really good busy.  But it's draining.  The last two nights I have had more stress, which means more pain, which means that the medicines I take to help me sleep are less effective.  I'm hoping to sleep better tonight.  We'll see...

Anyway, for the writer's workshop I think I'm going to go with #5.

A random act of kindness.

I was stopped at QT for my daily addiction (White Peach Tea) and there was this woman who was sort of in line before me.  Or, at least I thought she was.  But she waved me ahead, indicating that I should go first.  So I did, and just in the spur of the moment I told the cashier I had the lady's drink behind me.  The same lady who had let me go in front of her.  The cashier acted as if it happens every day.  The woman, on the other hand, was shocked.  She said "Are you sure?"  I just smiled and said yes.  She thanked me, then took her drink and left, while I put my money away.  As I was walking out to my van, the same woman made a point to roll down her window and say thanks again!  It felt so great because I knew that it had made her morning.  I really should do things like that more often.  It's a great way to maybe brighten someone's day.  It doesn't take much to make a difference in someone's life.


  1. Love this story. You are right it doesn't take much to brighten someone's day. I bet she told that story a million times today.
