Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ode to Red Hots **UPDATED**

I'm not a poet.  The prospects of writing poetry intimidates me.  It seems like there must be a right way to write it.  And I don't just naturally  have it.  I can remember taking a literature class in college.  And the section on poetry was incredibly painful for me.  My honest opinion is that all poetry comes back to death.  Death is at the root of any poem.  Every poem we studied and had to analyze came down to death of some sort.  For me, poetry is just a different form writing.  Instead of long sentences sharing your opinions about any given topic, it is short bursts of thought, meant to be read in short sentences, more from top to bottom, than long sentences from left to right.  Granted, I am not an English or literature major.  I'm not an aspiring poet.  But today, for Mama Kat's Writer Workshop, I decided to embrace my fear of poetry and write about something I love.  While I love all foods (except vegetables, weird foods, sushi, etc...), I am going to limit this poem to just ONE food.  So, without further ado, here is my "Ode to Red Hots" - this can be read as a poem, or sung to the tune of "Ode to Joy/Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee."

Red Hots, Red Hots
I adore thee
Fires of candy 
On my tongue
Heart swells as I think about you
I hail you as my favorite one
Melt the spice, bring on the sweetness
Crunchy, goodness on my tongue
Giver of immediate pleasure
Damaging my poor taste buds

Candy goodness you have saved me
Through the stressful days at work
I can't see my life without you
You bring me comfort from boredom
Stress at work is put behind me
When I pour you from your box
Red Hots makes me very happy
Through the trials of my life.

I began writing this while awake.  By the time I went to publish it, I was pretty much loopy and out of it due to a combination of Wellbutrin, Xanax, Unisom, and Melatonin.  I actually fell asleep before I could list this on Mama Kat's list for Thursday.  Something I totally meant to add but didn't remember until now is that looking back, even THIS poem is about death.  Death of my taste buds.  Death of my joy when the box runs out.  See?  All poetry points back to death!!

Mama's Losin' It


  1. Wow, I would say you have some poem writing talent, I never once thought about death. Loved it!

  2. that you powered through and finished your poem. :) Even if you were drugged at the time. It totally made me smile!
