Tuesday, January 25, 2011


There are some C.R.A.Z.Y. chicks on The Bachelor!! Ashley H. and Michelle? Can we say psycho?

Speaking of psycho, I am FINALLY going to see MY doctor tomorrow. The long awaited appointment has finally come. And HOPEFULLY I will leave with some much needed medication. I'm very anxious about it. Can someone give me a Xanax so I can make it through to my appointment to get some Xanax? I am always nervous at ANY doctor. I don't know why. The dentist is worse...don't even get me started on that!!

You know how sometimes I say really crazy things to my husband? Things that, when taken out of context, sound REALLY BAD??  Things like "I'm not like you.  I'm not stupid."  Or "You're horrible at putting things places."

Thought I'd share another such scenario that took place recently. We were sitting on the couch together.  And I have these habits now...these things that might be considered slightly obsessive-compulsive, that I didn't have years ago. Like, facing Kris at night. I cannot sleep if we are facing one another. The thought of him breathing on me, in my face, consumes me and keeps me awake. It freaks me out a little.  So HE one of us has to roll over.

 Or when I am laying with my back facing him, if he is near me and I can feel him breathing on my back or neck, I cannot stand it. It makes my skin crawl.

 So, when we were sitting on the couch with our seats reclined, he started putting his feet ON MY SIDE, in my space!   And he was eating and making all kinds of noise.  It was irritating (the noise) and he was in my space and it made me anxious.  Thus me saying the first thing that came to my mind, which was "Don't sit at me with all your noise!"

Yes I know...I have issues!

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