Thursday, January 6, 2011


Mama's Losin' It

I've been watching Hoarders again.  I don't know why I do it to myself.  It makes me so anxious, just watching it, and yet I am drawn to it.  I can't stop watching.  In fact, Kris had to literally turn the TV off last night so I would go to the bedroom to watch Lovely Bones, which by the way did NOTHING to ease my anxiety!!  There is something so fascinating about seeing how these people live, if you can call it that.  I can't comprehend it, though I understand the mental illness aspect of it, thus know that it is very real. 

And then I fear that the coating of dust on my fan blades means that I am a hoarder and that I live in filth and squallor.  The animals are what really creep me out...the ones that live in peoples' homes.  Last night, it was bunnies-14 bunnies removed from the home.  Seriously?  And I'm so confused...were these pets that multiplied over time or did they just somehow get in the house and start breeding?  I missed that part I think.

However, what really creeped me out was the MICE that started scurrying around (looked like they were flying to me!).  I had just finished watching a preview for the finale, which I don't think I can watch due to the rats infesting someone's home, and suddenly, here are about 20 mice hopping and scurrying about on the CURRENT episode.  SO GROSS!!  I cannot even begin to tell you how creeped out I am by mice. 

Maybe it's because they were in my home this summer.  Maybe it's because they are smarter than you'd think, and they managed to disable our traps, as well as purposely try to aggravate me.  I can tolerate spiders.  I can tolerate crickets.  I'm less tolerable of cockroaches, but I cannot even begin to think any kind thoughts towards the mice race. 

I hate them. 

No, I loathe them.  Yes, that's better. 

They are evil and manipulative creatures.  And I have no problem killing them.  My 10 year old does not like my hateful attitude towards mice-she wanted to keep all 6 of them as pets.  She even made death certificates for some of them that perished at my hand (more on that later).

So, when I think about Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop this week and what I would rather NOT repeat this year, it would be the mice problems we had.  Here is a recap of what we went through in 2010.  The 2010 Mouse Saga:


  1. I'm obsessed with Hoarders too although it completely creeps me out.
    My thing is spiders. I will lose my mind over a spider.
    The death certificate your daughter made for the mouse? Priceless!

  2. I cannot watch Hoarders because of the anxiety that consumes me when I watch it. I get really upset and emotional. I can't deal with that show.

    I think I would FREAK OUT if mice or rats invaded my home. I cannot handle spiders or roaches, so I think small furry things would send me over the edge.

    Visiting here from Mama Kats and I'm o glad I did! :-)
