Monday, September 27, 2010


I just don't get responsive readings.  I really don't.  When I was younger, I was insecure and self-conscious and hated them because of those factors.  Now that I am older, I have a huge disdain for responsive readings.  I kind of get the point.  Kind of.  No.  No I don't.  I don't understand why we do them.  I don't understand what it is about them that makes them so appealing to others.  Am I the only person in the church who hates responsive readings?  I have a feeling I will get some flack for this hatred of mine...but I can't hide it any longer.  It's time to proclaim unashamedly (OK, maybe a little ashamed) that I cannot stand responsive readings!  I can't quite put my finger on what it is about them that annoys me so much...but there's something...for any of you who don't go to church or weren't raised in a church where responsive readings were part of the service, let me explain.  The idea is that the pastor/preacher/worship leader reads a small section from the Bible or some other church-approved book, and then the congregation reads another...and this continues until said responsive reading is done.

Example of a responsive reading:

Leader: We pray for those who are suffering.
Congregation: Give us the wisdom to know what we can do to comfort them and be with us as we attempt to do so.
Leader: Today, we especially ask that you be with those with a mental illness. Help them to have faith that you are with them even in their most difficult times.
Congregation: Guide us as we show them love and compassion.
Leader: We beseech you to provide understanding and direction to the leaders of our nation. Help them to recognize the needs of those who are suffering and have the desire to respond with justice and compassion.
Congregation: Help us all to do the same.
All: Bless, guide and heal us.  Amen

So...maybe I just have a bad attitude...but I've always disliked these.  I guess maybe you should pray for me!

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