Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Can this be happening?

My baby turns 5 years old tomorrow!  AHHH!!!!!  When did that happen?

How could she:

Turn into HER:

It's probably because she's hungry.  All the time.  And all she ever wants to do is eat.  She was home sick yesterday (I think she has croup), but not TOO sick, so we took her birthday money and went to Target.  See Angelina Ballerina there?  One of her prizes.  We also went to McDonald's.  When we were leaving, I kid you not--I was opening the door to leave, she said "I'm hungry!"  My reaction?  "OLIVIA WE JUST ATE!!!  YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY BE HUNGRY!"  

Well, that's Olivia for you.  5 years have now gone by since we welcomed her home.  5 LONG years...filled with allergies, asthma, eczema, stitches, and too many spoiled tantrums.  But they were years also filled with large amounts of laughter and fun and scratching our heads thinking "Whose kid is that??"

Man I love that little girl!!

Here are few of my favorite Olivia sayings:

"You know what will make me stop talking?  Playing on your phone."

"I talk a lot when I have short hair but when I have long hair I don't."

"I get to wait!" (for "I can't wait!")

"These are pajamas that make me love Jesus more...if I keep them on."

"No, that's for cooking or volcanoes!"  (her explanation for baking soda when I told her I used it on my hair)

Livvy: You can have devil water.
Me: Did you say devil water?
Livvy: Yeah, devil.  It means two waters.


  1. Happy Birthday, Olivia! She is just adorable!

  2. HaPPy BirTHdaY to your sweet little girl! What a creative idea to write some of the darling things that she says. I love the one where she says, "I talk a lot when I have short hair but when I have long hair I don't." So cute...

  3. Better keep her in those pajamas! Haha! And keep her hair short so we can read some more of her quotes next time :) Happy Birthday to Olivia!

  4. Happy Birthday to your angel! What a beautiful little girl. Seriously I just wanna scoop her up! :) Count yourself lucky that she is such a good eater, much better then the alternative. :)
    Thanks so much for your comment on my post. I so appreciate your thoughtful words. :) But you gotta link your email to your profile girl!!

  5. She is pretty adorable-you think she looks cute in pictures, she's a doll in person! Tylaine, I swear it's set up!!!! AHH!!!!!!! :-)
