Monday, September 6, 2010

Maybe it is a rut...

I'm starting to believe I may actually be in a bit of a blogging rut.  I've had so many different excuses for not writing since school started.  Now as I contemplate how I went the entire day without getting on the computer at all, writing included, I think that I'm in a funk.  With writing anyway.  I just refuse to post something, just to post. And so I guess I just haven't had anything to say.  I mean, I know I've posted, but mostly it's been boring updates that nobody but me cares about!  None of the "good" know?

I haven't forgotten about posting the pictures from our scavenger hunt and giving you the ability to vote.  But my husband has been busy and hasn't had a chance to redesign the Facebook page and get the pictures up and "voteable".

I'm watching Hoarders for the first time.  Wow.  This show is making me anxious.  I feel for these people, the hoarders.  The anxiety they must be feeling watching people touch their stuff.  Wanting to keep everything because there is just something inside them that screams "I NEED THAT!"  I don't get the hoarding itself, but I get the other obsessive, compulsive behavior.  I understand that.  I understand feeling like your life is out of control and not being able to breathe because someone is doing something that you can't control.  It's like me with being touched.  If I don't want to be hugged or touched, I get that same anxiety.  I feel tense and like my life is out of control, and like I will literally die if someone touches me.  It's the same kind of feelings these hoarders have.  And that is why I am anxious watching this little old lady upset because she doesn't want to get rid of a rusted rake.  She is cringing and ready to explode inside because she feels like her life is spinning out of control.  I get that.  And I ache for these people.  I just want to throw a Xanax at them, and then run away, because of course I'm not going to HUG THEM, what with hating to be touched and all!


  1. See you didn't blog about nothing, you blogged about Hoarders! :)

  2. Good point! I did realize after I finished I had indeed blogged about SOMETHING. :-)

  3. Ya I kinda felt like I was (well am) in a rut too and then I came across the DOT challenge so I thought hey something to blog about! I think sometimes if you just start writing an idea will the Hoarders :) Have you checked out mama kat's writing prompts?? Sometimes we need a little help for ideas :)

  4. Its like a train wreck I just have to watch them hoarding shows...mosly its the pet hoarders I watch. I call myself a person with self dx son has it and it runs in the family ...with all your don't touch me stuff...maybe your an aspie too...but maybe you already know that. I adding you to my blog list...ment to a long time ago but, idk guess I forget. :) Love your blog stuff girl! thats not to touchy feely for you is it?

  5. Ha ha...I never thought about aspergers! I just know I don't want to be touched, most of the time. If I think about it, I begin to obsess and it gets out of control in my mind. If I'm not thinking about it, I can handle it. And I don't mind my husband being affectionate (arm around my shoulder, hand holding) is specifically hugging (even him) that is really hard, or someone putting their hand on my arm/shoulder. Words don't bother me at all! Say all the nice touchy-feely things you want Michelle!

  6. Tylaine, I do Mama's Kat's workshop if there is a topic that appeals to me. I've been intrigued by this new thing you are doing...very interesting!
