Thursday, September 16, 2010

Follow Me...


It's about time I get back into the blog world again.  I've had a few posts here and there but haven't been as active.  Bottom line...I feel like my life is spinning out of control, in a nice orderly fashion.  School has begun again and while Kris and I are working similar shifts now, the chaos hasn't improved.  It has only changed.

Let's see...Kaleb has started soccer.  Abbey has speech therapy two nights a week.  Kris is in a Bible study one night a week.  I'm back to working almost 40 hours per week.  Kris is putting in at least that many.  He'd put in more if I'd let him.  Not because he wants to avoid his family.  Well, he might and he just hides it really well.  But I think it's because he is a workaholic and he finds it impossible to just leave when the work day is done.

Our vans, Hydrangea and Oscar are doing well.  Kris has adopted and fallen in a strange sort of love with Oscar.  Oscar is older.  Oscar has some of that same charm my Explorer had.  The kids called *that* van Oscar.  They insist that it is NOT because Kris is grouchy.  I'm not sure I believe them.  We are all deeply in love with Hydrangea.  When Livvy was sick on Monday and riding in the blue van (Hyrdrangea), she told me that Hyrdrangea was sad because she was sick.

I discovered Wipeout tonight.  I then shared the joy that is Wipeout with my kids.  Every single one of them sad, enraptured.  For the entire hour!  We did bedtime activities during commercials and then they were back in there, glued to the TV.  It was so funny watching their reactions.  What is it with people enjoying watching other people fall???  There is something so disturbing about that!  I was tense the whole time and thinking...there's no way my neck could handle that!

Anyway...happy Friday everyone!  If you like what you see, feel free to stick around for a bit.  If not, well...thanks for the one time stop over!

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