Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mental break needed at this time...

No...of course I am not blogging from work.  How could you ask such a thing?!?

I give up.  I give up on hoping I will someday NOT be in pain.  I'm just going to have to suck it up and figure out a way to deal with it.  Suffer through and hope for more good days than bad.  With chiropractic treatment, it manages to maintain the pain level, keeping it down (mostly) to the 3-4 level.  But it never goes lower than that, and I am getting frustrated.  Not with the treatment.  Just with the lack of results.  I can't even begin to tell you all the different treatments and therapies that have been bombarding my body over the last couple of years.  Some of them I can't even pronounce.  And through it all, the pain doesn't go away.  It's minimized most days, and for that I am so thankful.  But this is just utterly frustrating.

That kids are contemplating my death and trying to figure out who gets what when I die.  OK...that's a little exaggerated, but a great intro into a comment Abbey made this morning.

I've mentioned before that she loves the music from Glee.  Oh how I wish I could share that show with my kids...but sadly they are much too young for some of the scenarios.  But I share the music...most of it anyway.  Some songs I don't let them listen to, being the good mom that I am.  Sure it makes perfect sense to let them listen to Bad Romance, but not Gives You Hell.  I mean come has the word hell in it!  Yes, I let them listen to Bad Romance.  If I thought for a second they even perceived a little bit of what Lady Gaga is talking about I would not let them listen!  But for now, they are young and naive...and so they listen to Bad Romance.

My almost-five-year-old is hilarious to hear and watch.  Someday we are going to video her listening to Bad Romance through headphones, as she sings along to the parts she knows.  We went to Elephant Rocks and Johnson Shut-ins over the weekend (will post pictures soon like any good blogger would do!) and as Livvy was just splashing away in the water we heard her singing (with no one else around) "I don't wanna be friends..." over and over again.  It was too cute!

All that to tell you that I had the Glee soundtrack (volume 3-let's be specific here!) sitting in my van and Abbey spied it on her way out of the van for school.  This of course prompts her (typical adorable Abbey) to say "Mommy can I have that Glee CD when you die?"  Every time I have thought about that throughout the day I find myself smiling and so thrilled to have that girl in my life!  The things kids say and do are enough.  You know?

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