Thursday, September 23, 2010

Follow Me Chickadee...maybe I'll link up this week!

Today I am going to tell you about the time I did, then didn't, then might, then might not, then DID go see Shrek at the Fox Theater!  I'm a sucker for drama.  I'm quite the drama queen myself.  So, when someone else has their own drama and I get to sit back and enjoy's always good to laugh.  I promised my friend I wasn't going to expose her deep, dark, family secrets that led to me FINALLY getting the free tickets that allowed me to see Shrek The Musical.  I toyed with the idea of changing names and facts...but I've had a horrible headache and don't think my brain is functioning appropriately enough to be funny!  Let's just say there was a time and place to meet, and then some police involvement and potentially not getting the tickets, and then finally getting the tickets.  It was quite amusing.  Well, probably not for some of the people involved...but it was one of those things where you think "This kind of thing only happens to me!"

I had a very sweet friend offer me tickets to see Shrek for today.  Initially I thought "There's no way.  I have to work and it's in the middle of the day.  Furthermore [yes I did think furthermore in my mind], who would I take with me?"  I have four kids and knew Livvy was out.  She's too young with too short of an attention span.  Kaleb had already had his birthday and a date with mom and dad, so it didn't seem fair to take him, not to mention the fact that he had soccer practice.  Katherine is *hopefully* going to see Switchfoot (with mom and dad of course!) for her birthday next month.  So that left Abbey.  Do we play the part of irresponsible parents and take our kids out of school just to go see a play about a big, green ogre?  Well, of course!

The show was Shrek.  I didn't care for the movies!  However, I LOVE the Fox.  LOVE IT!  So, while I didn't LOVE the storyline, the musical production was good.  The music wasn't just incredible, like in Wicked, BUT it was funny and enjoyable.  The costumes and especially Lord Farquaad and the Dragon were incredibly well done.  Really great.  The stage looked amazing.  Overall it was a great experience.  What made it so amazing was having Abbey there with me.  Shortly after Act 1 started, Abbey leaned over and whispered "This is WAY better than the movie!"

It was at the intermission that my heart began to swell, experiencing this with her.  Because she said something to me that both floored me and fulfilled me as a mother.  Abbey is just naturally expressive, so she can say "I love you" and manage to put different emphasis into it each time.  She has this way with words and facial expressions.  Always has.  I hope she always will.  But when she turned to me and said "You just don't know how much this means to me!", I almost cried.  People, she's SEVEN!  She was in heaven.  It was just so awesome to hear those words come out of her mouth!  I love that girl so much!!!  I hugged her, beaming, and said "Oh I think I do know and I love you so much.  I am so glad I can share this experience with you!"  She had so much fun.  Something would happen and she would just look at me and smile. She laughed and just absolutely loved it!  What a wonderful experience!!  

So, thank you anonymous friend who has questionable family members who may or may not have occasional run-ins with the law, for making my afternoon possible!  Abbey and I thank you.


  1. LOL!!! ;-)

    So glad you enjoyed it!

    You also brought tears to my eyes, what a SWEET girl!

  2. Oh, it sounds like your little girl is going to remember this day for quite some time! I'm so happy you took her out of school to see it. Really, which would she remember more, her lesson plan at school or you taking her to see this amazing musical (even if it wasn't as good as Wicked--I loved that musical!) I'm a new follower from Follow Me Chickadee Fridays. It's so nice to meet you!
