Monday, September 20, 2010


You know how devoted I am?  I participated in Follow Me Chickadee on Friday, promoting with the proper link and all...and never linked up!!!  I had the post ready about 30 minutes before I thought the link was going up, and figured I'd add my name in the morning...and then completely forgot.  Until Saturday morning.  I'd say that's devotion right there!!

I'm watching Hoarders again.  I had to stop eating.  I believe it is impossible to consume food while watching this show.  In fact, I'd recommend watching the show on an empty stomach.  Um...I just thought of a way to combat my addiction to food.  I need to just watch Hoarders any time I want to eat!!!

Seriously though, it's so sad and so disturbing.  This lady that is hoarding the spoiled food in her fridge and coolers?  There is something seriously wrong with her's so very sad.  To live like that.  To realize that there are some people who truly think that this is a normal way to live and behave.  It's scary.  I hope that none of my kids (or my husband!) ever get to that point in how they live their lives.  I think that is what scares me the most, worrying about them and the choices they will make in the future.  But I can't do that.  I have to trust God with them.  I know that.


  1. Oh man I just started watching Hoarders. I was like crying through most of the first episode I watched. It is just so sad that these people think this is normal and how mentally unstable they are. I wanted to throw away stuff after watching. :) I absolutely hate clutter!!

  2. this is only the second time I have ever watched it...i have clutter...i don't have dirty, disgusting clutter. And it's not that bad. not even close! I SO don't feel like correcting my spelling/grammar right now...

  3. You're too funny! It's my fault, I was late on Chickadee!

    I have never seen Hoarders,but a lot of people talk about it. Will it make me feel better about my messy house?

  4. Melissa, it most definitely WILL make you feel TONS better. That's partly why I watch it. Don't tell anyone!

  5. New follower from MBC.

    I have an award waiting for you on my site! Please stop by to pick it up.
