He does the same thing when Kris preaches. Kris will have his outline, but then when he gets up there to preach, as long as He is focused on God, God takes over and you can really hear God speaking THROUGH him. I hope that is what happens through this blog. Because it isn't supposed to be about Jamie. It's supposed to be about God. Tony mentioned tonight "Audience of One" and that's what I want this blog to be. Do I want others to be touched and comforted and moved to action by this blog? Sure. But not because of me. Because of God. Ultimately, this is my journey with God and I will trust Him to do whatever He thinks is best.
All that to say, Thank GOD we don't have to hide scars!! His are covering OURS! And be patient...there are some spelling/grammatical errors. Look past them and hear what God wants to say to you.
I think that this song sets up perfectly the next song. Though, you know me. It will likely be a lengthy introduction to the song. I met someone tonight. A lady that from the start was dear to my heart. I can't even explain it. As soon as she walked in the door, I wanted to know her. I wanted to connect with her. And because I can't quite explain it, I'm convinced it was totally a God thing. And I know, from the outcome a couple of hours later that it completely WAS a God thing. And I am so extremely thrilled that God allowed me to be a part of it.
Some of you know that I made this bracelet recently.
I wear it most days. A few people have commented on it and I've shared how "My Chains Are Gone" and my purpose for making the bracelet. It's been so easy to talk to people about what God has been doing in my life and this bracelet has been a conversation starter on several different occasions. For those not familiar with my reason for making this bracelet, I'll explain it.
The Cross represents what Jesus did for everyone. And...even moreso, understanding and BELIEVING what He did FOR ME. That I could finally, once and for all, lay my guilt and shame at the foot of the Cross. I could finally be free from what had weighed me down so long. I could trade my ashes in for beauty, and truly wear forgiveness like a crown.
The handcuffs that say "Freedom" symbolize, well, FREEDOM! Freedom from sin. Freedom from guilt and shame. Freedom from the hold Satan had in my life for so many years. And the Swarovski crystal at the bottom, it is a reminder of the blood that Jesus shed for me, that purchased my freedom.
And my favorite? The "hope" charm. For so many years I lived in defeat. I prayed so long for things to change. I HOPED that my marriage would change. That Kris would change. That I could get out of the unhealthy relationship I was in. And then, somewhere along the line, when God didn't answer my prayers, and Kris didn't overcome, and I found that I WANTED to stay in my bad relationship with someone that didn't belong to me, I gave up. It was the last thing I had held on to. Hope was all I had left. And then, suddenly, it was gone. I was a hopeless fool, living a life I hated. Living without hope is debilitating. Without hope, there is nothing left. As long as there is a shred of hope left, we can still press on. We can usually pick ourselves up and keep going. But what do you do when all hope is gone? When you've given up hope? Sometimes I think that maybe the answer is different for everyone.
For me, God had to pull me up. God had to grab me and move me. Because I wasn't willing. I wasn't ready. I wanted to keep punishing myself. I wanted to hold on to my guilt and shame, because I simply could not understand that my punishment had already been nailed to the Cross. I felt like I deserved to be punished. Since God wasn't doing it, and Kris wasn't doing it, I just knew that I had to. I didn't have that hope anymore. But God had other plans for me. He really showed me how to have hope again. Now everything is different. I have hope and it is one of the most amazing things to have in my life again.
All of that to bring us to a song I heard tonight on the way home from Stories. And I just knew that God wanted me to share this song. It brought me a great deal of comfort. And if this woman that I met tonight could really feel the truth in this song, it would be such a blessing. My heart aches for this! I can't describe it.
I want to share one more thing before I show you the song. Tonight I was wearing the "My Chains Are Gone" bracelet. There was a moment tonight when I heard God very clearly say "Take your bracelet off." I obeyed, unclasping it from my wrist. Then God said "When the time is right, give it to that woman." As God orchestrates all things, we left at the same time. So I was given an opportunity to give her my bracelet. I explained to her why I had made it and what it meant to me. My hands were shaking as I put the bracelet on her wrist. I've NEVER done anything like this before. I've talked to people about my bracelet. And my story. But this was the first time that I really felt like the bracelet was no longer mine. I KNEW I had to share not just my story, but the reminder I have of my story. And so I did.
It was such an amazing experience. I had never met this woman before tonight. But I know that God wanted this to happen. It was no coincidence. THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES. And I hope and pray that I will meet her again. I really love being a part of what God is doing here in my life and how He is using my story.
So...now that I've explained all of that, I'll share the song I know God orchestrated for me to hear tonight on the drive home. It's called "You Can Have Me", by the Sidewalk Prophets.
And I wasn't originally planning to add this one, but I feel it is necessary. For all of you who feel like you aren't strong enough, and that you can't do it alone; for you who are hurting and at the end of your rope, all hope gone, God can carry you to the Cross. Will you let Him? Surrender. Surrender the temptation. The pain, The hurt. The guilt and the shame. Surrender yours fears and let God carry you to the Cross. He doesn't always expect us to get up and get here on our own. Sometimes, He carries us. And I think He is OK with that. The point is, we just have to get to the Cross. One way or another!
Where are you at? Can you pick yourself up and run to the foot of the Cross, or are you feeling hopeless and alone? You are NOT alone. If you literally cannot pick yourself up and get to the Cross, cry out to Jesus (another great song!). God can carry you to the Cross.
Stop fighting.
Let God take you to the Cross, and you can lay your fear and your guilt and your shame down there. He is big enough to take it all. And to quote my favorite kids' cartoon Veggie Tales, "God made you special, and He loves you very much!" Such a simple saying, and yet so profoundly true!!
Jamie, I am proud of the way you are so open to Jesus' leading. In a few short months you have grown so much spiritually. I know that God is going to do remarkable things with you and your story. MIL