Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Well, I did it.

This morning, I went on my first job interview in, oh maybe 12 years.  I thought I would be really nervous.  I mean, who wants to talk about their strengths and weaknesses?  I had to talk through it with Kris and Cindy last night, trying to prepare myself for it.  Last night I was nervous.  This morning, I was fine.  When I went in for the interview, I was calm and relaxed and I believe that I presented myself as well as I could.  And I think I made a good impression.

There are so many reasons I want this particular job.  The primary reason is that it is in a high school (secretary to the principal), so my schedule would closely resemble the kids'.  Even better, since it's high school, it is likely I would get done earlier and be able to get home before or around the same time as the kids.

Also, it is only 6 minutes from my mother-in-law's house and only 10 minutes from my house.  The proximity is great for gas mileage.  Furthermore, while this is HUGE and would be a very big blessing, it isn't my primary reason, the fact that "because of your experience it would pay $17 per hour" isn't bad either!

I (along with a lot of other people) am praying that I get this job.  If I don't, there will be other opportunities.  In order to make up the difference we are lacking each month, I really need to make at least $13 per hour.  So...anything I can get within that range ($13-17) would be great!

I have now applied for at least 40 different jobs at several different locations.  Some secretarial in school and others administrative positions at companies like Washington University and Edward Jones.  This interview I got called for yesterday (and went to this morning) is the first shot I have even had so far in this job search.  I got one email saying that I was not one of their top candidates.

I've been so busy applying for jobs and spent the weekend in Indiana, so I hope to get back to writing again.  I've started several posts, but am not "feeling" them just yet, so I'm waiting for direction...

So, that's the update.  I put makeup on and everything, to try to look presentable for my interview. Kris said that I can buy a new outfit, but the interview came up so suddenly I had to go with what I had on hand, which wasn't much.  If I don't get this job, I am going to go shopping for an "interview outfit"!  Here I am, all dolled up:

Do you have any interview tips?


  1. Take your resume to your interview. Have three copies with you. Always be prepared. Good luck.
