Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Resumes are HARD

I completed my resume. I *might* have had help from Bethanie. She may have provided all the correct wording that would appeal to those hiring for administrative assistant positions. I have at least 3 jobs at Washington University that I am going to apply to. I know there are more that were just posted. One was an editing gig, that I think I would really enjoy! I know that God will put me in the right place. But I'll tell you this. I spent 6 hours yesterday tracking down employee information, dates, etc...and created a resume. I gave it to my friend to check out and she wrote all over it in red ink!!!

Can you believe that?

So she spent some time working on it this afternoon and again tonight, and we have finally finished it! And I LOVE the way it looks! apply for jobs. Please pray for us in the job transition. I think it will wind up being a really good thing for us, and it will give me a chance to interact with people again, which I need. I am SO ready for summer to be over with!!

 With VBS this week and way too many late nights, my children have NOT been good. They've been downright horrid. That's the word I used with Kris earlier. They were all so horrible at different times today. Really, this whole week. And it's not that they are horrible kids. They just haven't been getting enough sleep and it is wearing us all down. And their behavior is out of control.

While I feel sorry for my mother-in-law for having to keep them this weekend, I am actually really looking forward to a marriage weekend that Kris and I were going to. Last fall, we went to a marriage conference. I was NOT in a good place. Kris was still bound by the chains of addiction, and I was living a second life no one knew about. The conference was OK. But for me, it didn't mean much. I tried, while I was there. But when it came time to repeat our vows to one another, I just stood there crying. I couldn't do it. And while I do not think this weekend will be anything like what we went to in the fall (as far as the style), I do believe that this is going to be an extremely refreshing time for us.

Satan has been attacking Kris and I like crazy. I don't know what he is trying to prevent from happening, as Kris and I aren't teaching at VBS or anything. But he keeps attacking, right before VBS. Kris and I have so little time right now, and the time we do have we spend fighting. And it is usually over stupid, trivial issues. We'll fight about the fact that we're fighting. I realized what was happening tonight on the way to VBS. I spent the first ten minutes there trying to hold back tears. Then Sheri came over (I love her!!!!) and asked how I was doing. I'm not really good at faking it. So I just shared briefly how I felt like Satan was attacking me and Kris. She hugged me, from the side and told me she'd be praying for me.  And I cried.  Then enemy is out there. We have to fight back! We HAVE to.

Have I mentioned that I love my church?

So much!

Tonight was crazy hair night at VBS. I thought I'd post a few pictures of my kids, since I don't have permission to post other people's kids! We tried a weird Koolaid version to dye their hair but it didn't work out, so we used my friend's blue hair coloring for the kids. Just little spots here and there.

You can't really see the blue tips but I also put her hair in pony tails all over and then linked them all together in various places.

We had pony tails in his hair in the spot where the blue is, but he took them out.

She used Mama Kat's YouTube tutorial on how to make bangs so she went for that look, then we dyed that one strip of her hair.

Such a free spirit!  I love this shot of Abbey.

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