Sunday, July 15, 2012

Late night blogging

I'm going to sneak a short little post in tonight in the next 6 minutes, because it just doesn't feel right not to have posted yesterday OR today!  I've had a really busy weekend.  I just got home and situated after working for 5 hours at Family Christian Stores, doing inventory.  A friend from church needed volunteers, and I am trying so hard not to spend my very small amount of money I get each pay period, plus MAKE some money so I can eventually get that Android tablet I'm afraid I'll never get!

So, I have some bad news.  I have to get a job. I don't HAVE to.

But I need to.

Well, I don't NEED to.

I want to.

Well, I don't WANT to.

I want to contribute, we need the money, and I need something to do to feel like I am productive.  I can't feel productive at home because I am physically so limited.  More so now that BOTH of my knees appear to be messed up.

I went to the chiro on Thursday because I could barely walk.  For those who don't know (and I know you'll care...), I had surgery to repair a torn meniscus in December 2010.  I've had trouble with my right knee ever since.  Well, this time around I was jumping, while Kris and I were playing Kinect Adventures.  And instead of stopping when it hurt, I just kept doing it.  Idiot.  I was given a stern warning from the chiro to listen to my body.  So, I've been NOT working out for the past four days and it's driving me insane!!!  I am hoping to go back to the gym tomorrow.  Also, my meniscus (same knee) may be torn again.  So frustrating.

So, back to the job situation.  I have several leads for desk jobs, and one for a call center.  I also have a friend in HR at Washington University, and she may be able to get me an interview down there, which would pay a lot more than some of the other jobs I might find.  I think God will lead me to the right place.

Here's the problem.

If I work, during the day, the kids are in public school.  Which, honestly, I don't think is a problem.  I've always been pretty carefree about schooling.  I loved Grace.  I was looking forward to trying my hand at home school.  But I am also not worried about my kids being in public school.  If I can find a night job, I could still home school, but in order to make the money we need to compensate for what we're losing each month, I may end up having to get a regular 9-5 job.  And honestly, I'm OK with it.

I tried the staying home thing for about a year.  I'm ready to go back to work.  I'm ready to help out financially and do something that makes me feel good about myself.  Working has always done that.  That isn't to say that I don't feel good about myself.  What I mean is that I want to do a JOB where I see things accomplished and feel good about what I have done.  Does that make sense?

Anyway...I'll get back to 'real' writing this week. I have a couple of posts I've been working on here and there; hopefully I'll finish them this week.


  1. I get ya' on the work thing. I'd like to work too...I think. I'd like to contribute financially. But I help my folks, who are 89 and 92 and they need help daily, so I can't be employed anywhere. I love to write, and I'm working on a book, so keep thinking, at some point, writing will proved beneficial, other than just nurturing my heart. But, that's a long shot, I know. So, I feel guilty at times writing doesn't pay. So I coupon and try to be a good steward with my husband's paycheck (which is good, I'm not complaining. We are blessed,) but still...I think, at times, I should be working. It's crazy!

    1. I've put in several applications...praying I find something that works for our family.
