Monday, July 16, 2012

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 9

Today topic: List 3 people who have influenced you and describe how. Oh wow...where do I begin? I could be so serious and so profound on this post, but since I am taking this challenge "lightly", let's keep it fun and upbeat, shall we?

 #1.  Giraffes.  Yes, giraffes are people too!

With their long neck and graceful beauty, I'm in love.  I want to own one.  I wish these were real:

My future dream house that I may never afford; this would be a good compliment to it.  Don't you think?

#2.  Gordon Ramsey:

That man scares the living daylights out of me!!  Even on MasterChef.  His mean filter seems to be getting worse and worse on that particular show.  I would never want to be on ANY of his shows.  I'd crumple into tears at just the thought of having to go before him, even without any FOOD!

#3.  Captain Jack Sparrow (need I say more?):

We could all learn a thing or two from Captain Jack.  Like, how to swagger.  How to panic.  "But WHY is the rum gone?"  How to survive when left on a deserted island.  Several times.  How to beat Davy Jones.  Everyone needs to know that, don't they?

I'm getting bored with this 30 day challenge.  If I stop, then I feel like I haven't completed the challenge.  But at the same time, I like my other stuff better.  Where I just write.

What do you think?  Should I keep up with the 30 day challenge or send it to Davy Jones' locker?


  1. Any blogger that posts a pic of Johnny Depp is OK in my book. :-) However, I love him in Finding Neverland. Talk about charm! The guy is dreamy. What was the question? :-)

    1. Ha ha ha! Loved Finding Neverland!!! And pretty much any other movie with him in it.
