Tuesday, July 3, 2012

30 Day Blog Challege - Day 2

A friend reminded me I was supposed to give you the "lie" from yesterday's post!!

#7. Of all the mission trips I've been on, my mission trip to Haiti was my favorite.  

That one is the one that isn't true.  I've never been to Haiti!  

I've been to Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona (twice), Russia, and Panama.

No one guessed correctly.  Granted, only 2 people guessed, but still...

On to today's challenge:

Describe 3 legitimate fears and explain why you fear them.

#1. Animals.

All of them.

Except giraffes.

Giraffes are the only animal I will allow myself to love.

I've just had too many bad experiences with different animals. The mice took over my home. I wrote about it. We've had crickets and ants worshiping their unknown gods in our home.  And then, there were the squirrels.  Oh the squirrels.  I wanted to kill them.  I swear a small child was living up there with them.  Either that or they were ROUS's!

#2. Not obtaining my Android tablet.

The only hold up on this is money.  We don't have any.  We spend money as if we have it when we are at our weakest financially.  And yet, I can't talk Kris into going ahead and buying me this.  He keeps saying those dreaded seven words:  We'll have to save up for it.


I want it NOW.  Why can't I have it NOW?  I thought we had a money tree growing in our back yard.  We don't?  I feel so...so...deceived...

We'll never be able to save $250 to splurge on me!  If anyone would like to contribute to the 'Buy Jamie A Tablet So She'll Shut Up' fund, we are now currently accepting donations.

#3. Being murdered.

In my sleep, on the street, in my house, with a mouse, in my car, in a bar, on a train, in a plane.

I would not like it in my sleep or on the street or in my house or with a MOUSE or in my car or in a bar or on a train or in a plane.

I would not like it here or there.

I would not like it anywhere!!

Seriously...it is a paranoia I have.  I always check the back of my van before I get into it at night.  I am constantly checking my rear view mirror, if I hear a sound and I'm alone in the van.  Just to make sure no one is back there waiting to kill me.

What are your fears?


  1. You have to post the answer to yesterday's post

  2. You should totally blog more... Do you have a webcam or video camera? I want to challenge you to a vlog challenge. Check it out... http://dailystrugglesandupliftingscriptures.blogspot.com/2012/07/preparing-for-next-challenge.html

    1. Ha ha! Nice! I'm hoping to vlog tomorrow. I'm terrified!

    2. You can do it over here... it isn't too bad. I didn't dress up or put on make up b/c I would hate to look nice for a few then suddenly look like a slob.
