Monday, July 4, 2011

Staying up too late

I'm up late.  Or early.  I suppose it depends on how you look at it.  The laundry pile is about 4 feet up the wall in the living room.  Kris has been consistently washing, dryer and dumping...I have not kept up my end of folding, sorting, getting rid of, putting away.  So instead of dealing with it, I'm sitting here, writing, glaring silently at it.  Sometimes I wish we could just pick 5 uniforms for each kid, 3-4 regular outfits for each season, and get rid of the rest.  I suppose we could.  It would force us to keep up with the laundry.  Instead, we have so many clothes that it is just ridiculous.  Last weekend, I went through about 8 loads of laundry and we got rid of three or four bags full of clothes.  I'm dreading the long and tedious process of dealing with all these clothes.  I think we have about 4 loads left to wash.  I shouldn't let it get this out of control.  The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that yes...we need to get rid of anything that doesn't fit and wean down the amount of actual outfits.  Otherwise, I think I may go crazy just on the laundry alone.  It has always been my nemesis.  Along with cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, or anything else related to making my home feel "live-able".  Why couldn't I have married someone that hated clutter and that demanded that I keep our house clean at all times?  Likely because I would have killed said man and wound up in jail with only ONE outfit.  But hey...that brings us full circle...I'd only have ONE outfit!

And while I'm talking about things I SHOULD be doing, let's just add sleep to that list.  Kris too.  We should both be sleeping.  But instead, we are acting as if we are still 20 years old.  He's playing video games and I'm writing, pretending that we'll be on vacation forever.  This is seriously the first REAL break we've taken from "life" in a VERY long time.  I think neither one of us are eager for it to end.  I purposely waited to take my muscle relaxer because I thought for sure, at some point, I'd actually get started on the laundry.  That was about 5 hours ago. Now I'm just hoping the muscle relaxer kicks in before I decide to do something about the monstrous pile of clothes staring me down.

See what happens when I try to distract myself from things that need to be done?  You get terrific blog posts like this!! 

1 comment:

  1. Besides clothes...I have finally gotten us down to two towels (bath) per person! And we can't us each it really helps with that part! I use to have yearly garage sales and that helped keep the clothes at bay too! Good luck with all that laundry!
