Friday, December 3, 2010

Things that make me laugh - Part 1

Isn't it about time for a super-awesome, hilarious "good" post from me?  I think so.  I'm feeling fiesty...which is always a good time for me to write.  It's rare these days that I feel good enough to be amused by the things around me.  Speaking of which, those of you concerned about my mental health will be happy to know I have an appointment to get back on some  The bad news?  It's not until the end of January.  Never the words of Gloria Gaynor, I WILL SURVIVE!

Now, let's get on to the funny, shall we?

Wii Fit - we're through!  I thought you were on MY side...(actually, I have NEVER thought this!)

Let's talk about Wii Fit.  Besides the fact that it considers me on the high end of obese, it is way too concerned about my love life.  I'm worried that the Wii is more intelligent than I gave it credit for.  The other day, I got the balance board out to do a body test, which is insulting in and of itself.  I don't need to see my skinny self quickly rise to morbidly obese in cartoon form...I've been watching it do that for the last 12 years in real life!

Now, if you aren't familiar with Wii Fit and all the little quirky things it "says" to you, it can be amusing.  Most of the time it's just lame though.  However, I was shocked the other day when I felt like the Wii Fit was overstepping it's bounds.  You see, it asked me a question.  And I answered it, thinking "no big deal", right?  WRONG!

It asked me if I had seen Kris lately.  Then it asked how he was looking and gave me some multiple choice answers.  I said he looked the same.  Because he does.  Yes he's been working out a little lately...but it's not like he's lost a noticeable amount of weight and is suddenly ripped!  So I was being honest.  Do you know what the Wii Fit had the nerve to say to me???

I'll tell you.  

No...I'll SHOW you!

Well, you know what Wii Fit???  NO ONE ASKED YOU!!!!


  1. Oh man...that would have really ticked me off too. Maybe it needs to consider that weight gain can be caused by the lack of attention our spouses give us--so we eat to compensate. (Ok, not really, but hey, it doesn't know that! LOL) Stupid Wii Fit. Let's protest it together!

  2. BAHAHAHAHA!! That's too funny!! :)

    I'm glad you have an appt to get some "stuff". LOL That comment you left me on FB the other day cracked me up. By the way, this is Michelle - Macaroni Kid Michelle. :)

  3. Glad you told me who you were Michelle! I didn't recognize the name.
