Friday, December 24, 2010

Slowing down to write

It's Christmas Eve.  We are at my mother-in-law's house.  The kids are happily testing out new toys.  Cindy is busy preparing food....YUM.  Kris is moving their Wii to make room for their new Xbox 360...WITH KINECT!  So we will spend the afternoon testing that out after it gets all moved around and set up.  So, now that I used my Christmas money to buy Kris a PS3, we'll have all gaming systems covered between our two families.  Nice!  Now if Kris and I need a "fix" for the wireless goodness that comes along with the Kinect (until Wii comes out with it), we can just come here!

Now, that being said, how many of you out there participate in Blockbuster Online?  Kris and I are looking into this.  We used to do it, and actually loved it.  We stopped because they stopped allowing you in-store exchanges and thus we felt like it was as good of a deal.  But now, we have discovered you can get Blu-Ray movies AND games with it, at no extra charge.  And there's no way we'll be buying several new Wii or PS3 games anytime soon.  So we are considering starting this after the new year.  We always rent movies from the library for movie night, and let's be honest...the selection (while extensive) isn't filled with new movies we've never seen.  SO...instead of having fines at the library because we never return movies or games on time, we are considering this option.  Just thought I'd see if anyone else out there has had any experience with this, especially the gaming side of Blockbuster Online.

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