Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I hope that all of you are having a wonderful day today!  We are home, relaxing, trying out new toys and gadgets.  Most of all, I'm being lazy!   Though I did workout for almost an hour; so the day hasn't been completely unproductive.  Kris bought me EA Sports Active: More Workouts.  I was really wanting to have a more involved step aerobics and while it isn't as FUN as the little dance exercises on the Wii Fit, it's a good workout and something I was able to force myself to keep doing.  I would love to have the EA Active 2, but it's just not something we were willing to shell out money for this year (wireless or not!) when we only use the Wii for working out 10% of the time.

I wish I had thought ahead to buy food before today.  I did get cinnamon rolls which we consumed for breakfast.  The kids are now eating bagels and cream cheese.  What I wouldn't give to have some Budding beef and green onions to mix in with my cream cheese, to then dip in crackers.  Cindy if you're reading this, please bring some of that over here, and while you're at it, please bring over the Mexican dip and chips.  I'll make you chocolate chip cookies and cook you dinner and you can play Super Scrabble with us!

Sorry...I just realized I changed to writing a letter to my mother-in-law...the husband is calling her now to see if we can work out aforementioned plan.

Here are some pictures of the fun this morning.  I didn't get too many.  I chose to savor their faces rather than freak out about getting a good picture, after I started freaking out when trying to get a good picture!  :-)

Santa came!  He brought the kids socks and sock monkeys, which I concluded was somewhat cruel...

How quickly the house transformed into a complete mess!

Super excited about this.  Found it for $12.88 at the thrift store and it was in GREAT condition! Took the girls Loving Family people/furniture and put it in there so they would have it when they woke up.  They LOVED it!
Grandpa Ken gave us money to buy the kids presents...we caved and gave into the Zhu Zhu Pet nonsense.  They of course love it!


1 comment:

  1. thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower, I am now following your blog back. Looks like your kiddos enjoyed thier christmas gifts
