Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's all so new

My thirteenth wedding anniversary is next Tuesday.  For the first time in YEARS, I am excited to celebrate it with a man I love beside me.  We've always celebrated our anniversary and it's always been a "big deal".  But this year is different.  This year, WE are different.

This year, our marriage is different.  In some ways, this is the first anniversary we are spending together as new creations.  Both being freed from addictions and sin and made into new people who love the Lord.

Kris and I spent a long time talking last night.  About life.  About temptation.  About where we are at with God and as a couple.

This anniversary is the first anniversary we will spend, completely transparent, and totally in love.  Not the honeymoon-we-don't-know-what-real-life-is-like in love either.  Real, Godly love.  I am my beloved's and he is mine.  THAT kind of love.

We keep trying to think of what we can do around home (that is inexpensive/free), because we're about as broke now as we were when we first got married.  But this year, while ideally we could travel to Hawaii or somewhere tropical, I'd be content to just spend every moment with Kris.  Even if we're just at home watching T.V.

I heard a song the other day that brought things full circle.  When we were leaving our wedding reception, to head to our honeymoon destination, this song was playing.  I don't love the video, but it was the Anne Murray version that we played at our wedding reception, and I wanted to share that one with you, so you get what you get...

This song still rings true for us.

"Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you honey!  Everything will bring a chain of love.  And in the morning when I rise, bring a tear of joy to my eyes and tell me everything is gonna be alright."


We're gonna make it and I am thankful that you are still by my side.  I'm thankful for the second chance we have been given and for the love that we share.  I'm thankful that God has restored our marriage and given us another shot at love.  I'm grateful for the HOPE we both have and that the victory has already been won; that the enemy has been defeated.

I look forward to sharing the rest of my life with you and only you.  God has been so good to us.  Words can't even begin to describe it.  I told you once that I would always come home, no matter what happened.  I'm so glad that was true!  I'm home and I couldn't be happier.  THIS is home.  THIS is where we belong.

I love you.  

For a thousand years,


1 comment:

  1. Thank you my love. I can't wait to spend the next 4 days with you!
