Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Two days! Oh no!

The last two days I have sat down to blog and for one reason or another, nothing came to me.  So I didn't write.  But I am back today.  This is more of a "mom" post than anything else.

The kids are out of school for summer.  Officially.  As of 1pm today.  I can't help but think of that Alice Cooper song "School's Out."  Especially in light of home schooling.  "School's out for summer.  School's out FOREVER."


That's a long time.

But I'm a different person now, and in a much better place.  Emotionally and spiritually anyway.  I can't say the same for my physical body, but if neck surgery is in my future this summer, maybe I will be better physically as well...eventually...

For the last four years, I spent all summer (and the rest of the year) working 40+ hours/week.  The last time I was home with my kids, all at the same time (over the summer) they were 2, 5, 6, and 7.  Can you imagine the level of crazy and chaos that was going on in my life at that time?  It was not a happy time in any of our lives.  You know..."if mamma ain't happy, no one's happy".  That was us back then.  So I am a little nervous.

But I am optimistic too.  The kids are older.  Going on 7, 10, 11 and 12.  Four years makes a HUGE difference!  Almost all of them are in double digits!  So while I am a little nervous about starting this new adventure, I'm excited also.  I plan to actually have fun with my kids and make this summer memorable!  I found "100 things to do with your kids this summer" on Pinterest and I plan to do several of those things, take pictures, write about it, etc...

I also plan to put the little servants to work on cleaning, laundry, etc...

Will there be rough days?  I am sure.  I already had to talk with Kaleb before we even got out of the van about his attitude.  But overall, I think this will be fun.  And, best of all, Kris is the only one who has to get up and leave in the morning.  Ha ha ha!  Poor Kris!  The rest of us get to get up whenever we want.  Which means Kaleb and Abbey will still get up at 6:30, and likely Kat and Livvy will sleep until at least 8.  Me?  I'm hoping they'll let me sleep until 9, but we'll see.

God has been so good to me and I know that He will carry me through this huge change in my life. And, having them home this summer and developing some sort of schedule will really prepare us for the adventure of home school in the fall.

But today?  Today we have no plans.  We are just "winging" it.  Resting, gearing up for the rest of the week.  Maybe hit up the library and get some groceries since we essentially have no food in the house and now that the not-so-Little Bishops will be home during the day, we might need food...

Abbey just shared a little chant she and a friend wrote at school today, and I thought I should share it with you.  She cracks me up and I hope her passion and love for Jesus never changes:

Jesus is our Lord, our God.
Jesus is, is not odd.
Come and join his nation.
Then go to heaven for vacation.
Don't let Satan lead you in temptation.

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