Monday, May 17, 2010

D-Listed Blog Party

I'm always on the lookout for more blogs to fall in love with, as if I have enough time as it is to keep up with my current list! So when I came across this blog party, I just felt compelled to overwhelm myself with more cool blogs! :-)


That being said, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'll try to keep some of it to little known facts, so as not to bore any of you who know the usual.

Here are the well-known facts:

I am 31 years old and have enough white/gray hairs to last me a lifetime.

I'm a wife to an amazingly gifted and kind husband. We have been married for almost 11 years and I look forward to how ever many more God grants us.

I have four incredibly adorable, awesome stair-step children (9, 8, 7, and 4) that I love and adore.

We are one BIG happy family.

I am very busy these days and don't like it, but still find (MAKE) time to write as often as I can. I am also presently annoyed that my pictures are cut off when viewing my blog, the last two anyway. But can't take the time to mess with sorry they are cut off. I do know it and feel bad about it, but am not willing to fix it right now. :-)

Now, let's move on to the GOOD stuff. The stuff only my closest friends know about me.

#1. I don't like to be hugged. I have mentioned this one before...but most of the time, it makes me cringe inside. I accept it well, especially from those who have no idea that it bothers me. I also can't stand for someone to put their hand on my back or my shoulder, especially if they know I don't like it. Yes, Cindy, I'm talking to you!

#2. I was adopted as a baby and have NEVER, EVER wished my life had turned out any different. I am thankful every day that God placed me with a family who loves me and allowed me to stay in the family, instead of spending my childhood lost in the foster care system. My mom and dad will never truly know how grateful I am for their sacrifice, for raising me and instilling God's love in me and praying daily for me.

#3. Someday I want to travel the world. I love to fly and would love to go anywhere I am able. I have always had a heart for overseas missions as well and it will be interesting to see if God uses that later on in life. Right now my mission field is my family.

#4. I love to sing but am extremely self-conscious about my voice. I especially love the alto and tenor parts...and I am lost hearing a good male voice singing tenor. I'm a sucker for good old fashioned hymns, especially the ones I know the harmony to!

#5. Some day, if I ever find myself with a little extra money, I am going to invest in a completely superficial, unimportant physical improvement: Laser Hair Removal.

OK, I think that's enough for now. Are you still there??? Those weren't interesting facts. In fact, I never promised they would be. I just said they would be lesser known facts about me. I'm kinda boring overall!


  1. hello from d-listed party
    I'm erica, this post was very interesting, being a mommy is busy. and you #5 is sooo what I'd do too if they money came. ugh.

    p.s. love the giraffes on your layout.

  2. HI! so nice to meet you and you have a BEAUTIFUL family! :)
    TO fix the pictures just click on them when you are writing your post and only make them size "large" or smaller. :) THey wont be cut off then!
    I am your newest follower and i cant wait to read more! I hope youll come visit me!

  3. right there with you on the "hate to be hugged!" uggghhh!!!!!


  4. Hello fellow party girl. Wow, that is a busy life. Cute family!

  5. I was adopted too. Today is actually my "Gotcha Day", the day my parents got and brought me home. :0)

  6. Okay, I love the way you write :) You seem like my kind of chick! ;)

    Found you on the blog party ;) Check my blog out if you'd like (and I'm following you now, lol).

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog during the party! You have quite the adorable family.

    The white has been taking over my hair also, and has been since my early 20s. Sucks, huh?

    Have a great week!

  8. Hello fellow D-Lister-thanks for stopping by my blog! Reading this I think we may be lost twins from 1/2 of #3 (i am scared to death of flying, but I love to travel and do mission projects) #4 (except I'm a soprano) and #5 if I never had to shave my legs or underarms again I'd be oh so grateful....also, I almost die from the cuteness that are the giraffes! I <3 giraffes!

  9. It is a good thing we are bloggy friends or I would be so tempted to hug you every time i saw you:O)

  10. @Braley Mama...because you'd like to annoy me or because you like hugging??

  11. Hi! I'm following you from D-List!

    Lovin' your blog!

  12. Cool post. I don't mind being hugged. But sometimes I don't want to. My husbands family is big into it - like when you first see them you have to hug everyone. And when you leave you have to again. My family never did that - sometimes it gets annoying.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog♥

  13. P.S. The book I got was a Nora Roberts book - it is part 3 of this series I'm reading of hers. I already read the 1st two so I really wanted the 3rd one that just came out. It's called "Savor the Moment"

  14. Love your blog! You are too funny! I'm following you back from FMBT (last week). Thanks!

  15. I'm not a huge fan of hugs either but for some reason, I always find myself hugging other people. I guess it is just the standard "hello and goodbye" around here. Your kids are absolutely adorable... and don't worry, if I didn't dye my hair I'm sure I would have a head full of "wisdom". :)

  16. It's so hard for me not to hug/touch you. lol The other day, I put my hand on your shoulder to talk to you and I was thinking in my head, "Oh crap! She hates this!" **MUST.REMOVE.HAND.** haha Thought you would get a kick out of that.

  17. Following from the D-List Party on Twitter, GFC and RSS feed. Sorry I got here on the last day, but better late than never.

  18. @BaileysBites...that's great Tara! Sorry to cause you so much inner turmoil!

    @Dania - I am not even halfway through the blogs on the d-list party...I'm hoping to have time this weekend.

  19. Hi! Nice to meet you!


    Ooooh, I wanna do laser hair removal, too!!
