Saturday, May 7, 2011

Just to make me mad

I'm pretty sure my husband gets some kind of sick pleasure out of making me mad.

It isn't that we fight a lot. That isn't what I am talking about. Mostly, I am an instigator, and he is a peace maker. But there are certain moments when he enjoys making me mad. It's almost as if it is some sort of a game to him.

Like the night he proposed.

Or tonight.

I told Kris tonight I was going to run to QuikTrip to get my beloved white peach tea. He said "Katherine, you should give Mommy her Mother's Day present now." So Katherine brought me a card that she picked out on her own (which I will write about tomorrow-it made me laugh and cry), and inside of it was a QT gift card. I'll admit my first thought was "Is this another $10 gift card?" It was in fact a $20 gift card, which I immediately thanked him for, then while I was out, I ended up spending $10 of it on him and the kids. So I came home and told him "Good thing it wasn't just for $10!"

Anyway...back to the story...

He decided to give me the gift he got for me tonight too. I'd been telling him that with my recent conversion into a girl, I now needed some sort of jewelry box and I made it CLEAR that I wanted to be able to HANG my necklaces. I sent him pictures of jewelry boxes/armoire, so that there would be no question about what I wanted. I told him it would make a good Mother's Day gift.

Last week he came inside with a small bag that said JC Penny Jewelry - so I figured he got me a new necklace or something. I put the thought of a jewelry box behind me, pleased that he got me a Mother's Day gift. We don't always do gifts for Mother's/Father's day...we usually just all go out to eat together.

So when he gave me my gift tonight, I was not surprised to see the JC Penny jewelry bag. Inside was a small box. I opened it up, facing away from me, and asked Olivia if it was pretty. She said "There's nothing in there." I turned it around to see that indeed there was nothing inside the necklace box. So Kris said "Oh, there's nothing in there? Well maybe you should open this then." and he handed me a small box to open. I opened that to find a VERY small jewelry box with a heart on it - with room for very little jewelry, let alone a place to hang my necklaces!!

So of course, my first thought was "Um...yeah this is NOT the kind of jewelry box I asked for." But I said "thank you", instead of something sarcastic. I know. I am as shocked as you are. But I will admit I was getting mad. I knew he was just screwing with me at this point, and likely enjoying himself immensely. Where was the necklace and why did he buy me such a tiny, useless jewelry box?

That's when he handed me the "real" present, which was a beautiful, wooden armoire of sorts, with two places to hang necklaces and a lot of room. Inside of it was a beautiful necklace with two hearts on it. So of course, I loved it! The necklace and the armoire/jewelry box. I gave the smaller jewelry box to Katherine.

But I couldn't help but be frustrated with Kris. I'm telling you, he must really love to watch me start to get mad, and then swoop in just before I really start fuming and make everything better with the "real" gift. What kind of sick, twisted human being does that?


  1. I do enjoy this type of thing.

  2. @Kris Hopefully Jamie will forgive me, but I'm getting a kick out of it too. :P
