Friday, April 22, 2011

Best. Wife. Ever.

I know that by now you all know what a kind-hearted, loving wife that I am.  And how I am always praising my husband both here in blog form and to his face.  You know how sweet and even-tempered I am.  You know how many posts I have written about the many awesome things I have said and done to really just build up my husband and validate him as a man.

You also know by now that I am also a liar.  And how I have said such things as "I'm not like you.  I'm not stupid" or "Sometimes I think about coming over there and kissing you, and then I see your face." or "You're horrible at putting things places."  Newer readers...within context those comments aren't nearly as bad as they sound.  I swear!

So...funny story for you...about how *nice* I am.

This segment is called "The Ungrateful Wife".

I've been trying to decide how to tell this story.  Do I begin with the actual facts of what happened?  Or do I tell you MY thought process and Kristopher's interpretation of the situation?

I think I have settled on telling you EXACTLY what happened and then explaining WHY I'm not really as bad as I sound.  Or why I am?  Bottom line:  there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with me!

I love QuikTrip.  I have a bit of a problem.  A serious addiction, really.  I've talked about it before.  It's the Peach White Tea that they keep on tap in the fountain every day, just for me.  Some days, it's pretty bad...I carry my 52 oz cup with me everywhere, filled up with the "good stuff".  I think at it's worst (or best in my opinion!), I have made three stops at the QT fountain within one day.  Because I keep my cup, that comes out to $3.15.  Per day.  If I went every day.  So basically all of my spending money goes to supply my habit.  But most days, I can limit myself to just ONE refill.  MOST days.  And on the rare occasion, I don't even get any tea at all.  VERY RARE.

Contrary to my normal behavior, a few weeks ago I very lovingly encouraged Kris (no sarcasm here for once) to get out of the house.  To take a break from helping me get ready for my parents' imminent arrival into town from my home state of Indiana.  There was much cleaning and laundry that had to be done...and he had had a stressful day (while he was gone I just hid everything downstairs and in my room!).  It was one of my rare moments when I am sincerely, with no sarcasm, serious about being nice to him.

Kris' dad had recently given us some money (a late Christmas present)...and I had told Kris that I wanted to go to the casino.  He said he wanted to go too.  But we had a problem.  Well, we had FOUR problems.  Their names are Katherine, Kaleb, Abbey and Olivia.  ;-)

To solve this problem, I suggested that Kris go by himself to the casino that night, with the understanding that the next night was MINE.  He agreed.  He was gone for a LONG time.  And when he came home that night, through my drug-induced hazy sleep, I heard him say he came home with $30.  At first, I thought he JUST came home with $30.  But I found out the next morning that was not the case...he came home with what he went in with PLUS $30.

So I did what any good, loving wife would do.  I asked him if I could have it.

He said no.

Then he proceeded to tell me that he THOUGHT about buying me a QT gift card, but that it was too late by the time he left the casino.

My thoughts?

#1.  QT is open 24 hours.  It's NEVER too late, even if he was tired.

#2.  It's NOT the thought that counts.  If that gift card is not in my hands, why tell me about it?  Does he not know about me and all my crazy after 12 years?

So a week or so passed.  No gift card.

FINALLY...about two weeks later, we went in to get tea at QT.  He rarely goes in with me, but this time, he followed me in.  I asked him what he was doing.  He said he was coming in with me and I was like "Um...OK."  So I walk in, and then turn to say something (assuming he is following me).  But he was at the counter and he waved me away.  It was clear that I was finally going to get my gift card, which was great timing because I was running out of money and payday was too far off!

I get my tea and he hands me a gift card.  I have no idea how much he put on it, but since we had previously talked about him winning $30, I had it in my head that he was implying that he was planning to buy me a $30 gift card.  It's not my fault that he set a false expectation.

I took the gift card and proceeded to pay for my tea.  They handed the card back to me and told me I had $8.96 left on my card.

And you guys know me.  You know that I am never sarcastic or hateful or anything less than sweet.

So, when we walked out, it should come as no surprise to you that as we were walking out I said "Wow, you were really generous..."

Kris looked at me, taken aback.  I assume he expected to hear the words "thank you" come out of my mouth or something like "you're the best husband ever". Has he never met me?

Likewise, my comment was purely based out of being shocked that he used only $10 of the $30 I expected to "see".  He told me that he used half of his money on me, which I countered by reminding him that he said he won $30.  He just said "Oh yeah..."

We talked about it later, and he gave me his version (which I wanted him to write down so I could share it with you because it was funny and very embellished!).  I explained to him why I was so shocked and explained that it was really his fault for telling me, in the same breath, that he won $30 and thought about buying me a QT gift card.

And for those of you Kris supporters out there, just to be clear, I have since thanked him and truly was grateful for the gift card.  I'm selfish most of the time, but I'm not heartless!  But that gift card did NOT stretch very far...

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