Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Music That Moves Me - Week 5

I have heard some amazing music during this last week.  I shared about the Girl's Night Out I went to on Saturday night.  Today, I did a Google search for Ilonka.  I have been listening to her CDs in my van constantly.   I was hoping to find a video of her singing the song "Safe" so that I could share it today.  It is an amazing song that, as I understand it, she and a friend wrote about her testimony.  My favorite lines from the song say this:

"One day you will feel a kiss and know you are loved.
One day you'll be held again and know you're enough.
One day you will learn to trust."

In the midst of all my crisis over these last few months and years really, I finally understood.  I felt that kiss and knew I was loved.  I was held and I knew I was enough.  I learned to trust.  And now that I know my place, I am safe.

I found this video on YouTube; and while there isn't a song in it, she shares some of her story.

Upon further digging, I found her own YouTube page and this is a video/clips of her singing different songs, with a bit of her testimony.

To stay on the same topic about hope and renewal, I've got two songs today.  While I can't relate in a literal sense to the first verse, it is such an amazing song.  It brings me such comfort.  The first verse actually relates quite well to Ilonka's own story.  My favorite part of the song is the chorus and then the "bridge".  It says:

"Here me when I say
You're not the worthless they made you feel
There is a Love that can never steal away
And you don't have to stay the broken girl

Let your tears touch the ground
Lay your shattered pieces down
And be amazed by how Grace can take a broken girl
And put her back together again."

And the last song is one that has been speaking to me since Good Friday.  It's by Tenth Avenue North, a band that I love almost as much as Switchfoot.  It's called "You Are More".  Wow.  Just watch the video and listen to the words.  There is a message here that anyone reading this can be moved by and learn something from.  Give it a chance.  Not only is the song amazing, the video is incredible.  I mean...the creativity.  It's genius!

I am more.

And so are you.

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