Friday, May 11, 2012

Gardening 101

Since we managed to keep 3 of our 4 Beta fish alive for a year now, I decided to take it a step farther and try to grow some plants.  I've always been the person who just has no interest in plants at all.  Or animals.  But we caved last year and bought each child a Beta.  Kaleb's Beta had no will to live.  Actually, we believe that it attacked it's own image on the not-so-ideal-glass-bowl we bought for it, thus killing itself.  But the other three are thriving, even if they aren't taken care of as well as they should be.  I think we do better with kids.  That being said, I am still going to give gardening a go.

It all began at our ladies Bible study last week.  We were given three seeds to a plant I can't remember the name of.  4 o'clocks maybe?  I don't even know.  But I left Bible study knowing I wanted to plant them.  I thought, there must be something to be said for gardening and listening to Sherry tell us about her garden and weeds, I just really felt like planting these and tending to them would be a reminder to me to think about God and not only His creation, but also the weeds that come into our lives.

So last week, Kat and I ventured out to the opening day of the local farmer's market.  I intended to buy some strawberries and just see what they had.  We wound up with some jalapenos, roma tomatoes, cilantro, oregano and some random flower.  Tonight, after a friend and her husband came over and tilled the area I was going to plant them, I did it.  I planted them.  And I planted the three seeds of the other unknown flower.  I have no clue if any of this stuff will grow but it'll be interesting to see.  In the meantime, God will likely be teaching me patience.  I like things like making jewelry and quilting and headbands because I see the finished product as I go.  With gardening though, I don't get that immediate result.  So, this may be a little harder for me.  Waiting.  Being patient.  And hopefully at least ONE of the plants will live and thrive.

Did you notice I didn't write yesterday?  I got called in (at 6:30am) to substitute over at Grace.  I subbed for an aide.  It was NOT easy.  Subbing for middle school was SO MUCH EASIER.  My hats off to these aides and all that they do.  I did NOT have fun.  I survived.  It was fine.  And I made a little money, which is needed.  So, after school, I cannot even remember what happened.  My brain was fried at that point.  I seriously cannot even begin to remember what we did between school ending and the kids going to bed.  I don't even remember the kids going to bed.  I do remember falling asleep at 10pm.  Which is incredibly unusual for me.

I went today for my spine MRI.  It took about an hour.  There were three different sections, each taking about 20 minutes.  I go on Tuesday to find out the results and see if there is anything wrong with my back, in addition to my neck issues.  Then Kris, who decided he would leave me alone this Mother's Day weekend (OK...technically he'll be home tomorrow night), took me out on a date.

We saw Dark Shadows.  Because I love Johnny Depp.  Here's my take on it.  I think it was a great role for Depp, as always.  And we enjoyed the movie, until about 3/4ths of the way through.  Then it just got stupid.  Like, the writers just gave up trying to do anything else with it.  But all in all, it was a really good date with a really great man.

On a really frustrating note, our water line is backed up.  Kris thinks there is just something clogged in the garbage disposal, which isn't really working.  The bathroom and kitchen sinks don't drain.  There is standing water in my dishwasher.  Kris is holding out until his dad comes on Tuesday.  I just want to pay someone money we don't have to fix the problem NOW.  But instead, I took my dishes to my mother-in-law's house and we have been trying not to use any dishes.  Which makes cooking really complicated... that I have bored both myself and you, I'm going to stop.  I've been watching The Colbert Report to end my night and so I will leave you with this.

Stephen Colbert said that he believed puberty was a choice and kids should wait until they are married to go through it.

Hilarious!  Especially in the context of the rest of the segment.

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