Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I did it!

I made it through DAY ONE of summer break!!!

Rejoice with me people.  This is history in the making here. house is sort of clean!  Well, by anyone else's standards, I highly doubt clean would be a word attributed to my house.  BUT...knowing what it looked like yesterday and seeing how it is now, it passes.

We had a really productive day.  Everyone has "chores" now.  Daily tasks that have to get done before they can watch TV or play on any electronics.  I can't believe how well it went and how great the kids took to it.  Best of all...once I get my couch cleared off and the end table next to it, the house might actually stand a chance of not embarrassing me if anyone comes over!

You wouldn't believe how excited Kaleb is about having his OWN chore that he gets to do BY HIMSELF.  Seriously.  He wrote about it in his journal and then showed it to me.  His exact words were "I also have my own chores to myself now."  He even underlined those words.  And then he asked me when he could do his chores in the morning.

I told him that there was no way I wanted to hear him unloading the dishwasher at 6:30 in the morning!  Livvy also asked when she could start on her chores.  I had to tell these kids that they couldn't start their CHORES until at least 8am!  Whose kids are these????  I have set such a poor example and yet they are embracing this as if it is the most exciting thing ever.  But I am NOT about to complain.  I'll take it for as long as they'll give it!

We started season 2 of The Glee Project.  Many of you know that during season 1 of Glee, I was a huge fan.  Season 2 started and it went downhill fast.  The only reason I watch season 3 is to see those that won The Glee Project Season 1 and with the hope of hearing some decent music.  Half of the time I don't even get that and am constantly disappointed and frustrated that this show is promoting half of the controversy that it is. I was SO excited to see Dani Shay on season 2 of The Glee Project.  This girl captured my ear last year on America's Got Talent (or was it the year before?).  Not only was her first performace hilarious, she has a great voice!  In this video, she does a little rap at the end of this video that makes me smile.  I hope that Dani goes all the way to the end on The Glee Project.

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