Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wish I could take the day off

I am home today, after working out of the home the last two days. I only put in about 7.5 hours Monday, but then I worked a good 12.5 hours yesterday. I was trying to work extra and get myself caught up and actually ahead so that I could take the day off today. Not going to happen though. I left the office still behind, thus I need to put in some hours today, instead of just playing with my kids, going to the library and grocery store, making Cool Ivy lotion for my winners and writing. Though I will most likely manage to squeeze all of that in before I begin dolling myself up for my night out on the town with the husband to see Wicked! It's going to be a busy day. Fortunately, because I've already worked 20 hours this week, I only NEED to work for four hours today.

Kris and I are going to a funeral in the morning. A dear man who battled brain cancer for I believe 17 years went home to be with the Lord on Father's Day. An amazing man of God and example of all things good and kind. I know the funeral will be a celebration of his life and legacy and while it is a sad, sad time for the family, it is also a time of rejoicing and I am thankful that Kris and I get to be a part of it and had the privilege of knowing this man and his family.

I'm worried about Friday Funnies. I've got nothing so far. Well, that's not true. I have one very short moment to write about so far. So unless the kids do funny, crazy things today, I'm afraid I won't have much. But I'll still write what I have and hopefully some of you out there will be able to join in. Maybe I should invite a couple other bloggers to co-host with me. What do you think? Anyone interested in co-hosting Friday Funnies with me? I'm new to a lot of this stuff and maybe that is what I need to do? Suggestions? Comments? Volunteers? Fire away!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun tonight mama!!!!!! Hope you get your work done!!!
