Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thanksgiving in June

I love turkey. Kris loves turkey. We'd have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner once a week if it was feasible (and I had the energy to make it all!). Plus leftover turkey is always great (unless is goes bad). Tonight we are having turkey. I found one on sale a month or so ago and finally decided to thaw it out. Turkey is also fairly painless to make; it takes time yes. But little effort really. I just put some salt, pepper and Lawry's salt on it, put it in the roaster oven and let it cook. That way, my oven is free to make the other delicious sides that go so great with turkey.

I'm planning to make homemade mashed potatoes, frozen corn, and homemade gravy to go with it. I've also tried two new recipes, both of which are mostly yeast-free. The bread is gluten-free and isn't bad. I'm not sure how it will taste as just a stand alone bread. I can see how it would be good with gravy or toasted with butter though. The recipe is at Elana's Pantry, where I get most of my tasty gluten-free recipes. My pictures aren't the best. They're aren't ever, but they are worse today because I seem to have misplaced my digital camera and had to take pictures on my phone.

Next up, Weight Watchers Strawberry Pie. This recipe was posted recently on Mom's The Glue and seemed like a perfect additional to our fairly healthy summertime Thanksgiving dinner.

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