Monday, October 1, 2012

Say what???

We have dinner with my mother-in-law on Monday nights.  Generally, because I take the kids to Cindy's, Kris takes them home, since we have to drive two separate vehicles.  Tonight, they were listening to the Bible on the way home, apparently.

Kris came in this evening and told me, very quietly, "We were listening to Exodus.  There is some bad stuff in there."

I was like "What?"

He explained to me that they just happened to be listening to the part where God tells the people not to have sex with animals.

Katherine asked Kris, "Is that even possible???"

Now, let me explain something about Katherine.

We are pretty open with her.  She is almost 12.  When she was maybe 7 or 8, I remember explaining sex to her.  Like, not just the basics with silly names in place of actual body parts.  I told her how God created men and women.  She asked how someone could get pregnant that wasn't married.  I explained to her that people can have sex before they get married, but that God just doesn't want them to.  She seemed fine with this explanation and didn't press further.

But as she has grown older, we talk openly about kissing, and boys, sex, and body changes.  That girl is wise beyond her years.  I think with each kid you can gauge what they can handle and what they can't.  Katherine even knows some of our story.  Not specifics of what and who and all that, but I think she knows the basic idea of what happened between us.  I told her if she ever wanted to talk about it, just let me know.  So far, she hasn't asked for more details.  If she did, we would talk about it.

However, all of that to say that in spite of all of that, I was still shocked (but this was not an uncommon type statement) to hear what Kris said to her at bedtime--primarily because it was more something I would say than him.  I'm peeling an apple in the kitchen as he gives her a hug goodnight.  He tells her "I love you and don't have sex with animals."

It really was funny.

Don't judge us...

1 comment:

  1. lol I agree, we know our kids well enough to know what we should or shouldn't share. Each of my kids is different and I teach them differently. I think your husband's goodnight words were amusing!
