Tuesday, August 21, 2012

All I want for Christmas...

...is a job!

I'm in a Christmas mood.

I'm listening to Christmas music.

I have my Christmas "Holiday Wreath" candle burning so that it smells like Christmas in my house, instead of the mold - which we cannot seem to locate.  Anyone know how to locate mold?

I NEED to clean my house and I am hoping that getting in the Christmas mindset will help.  It's a trick I play on myself from time to time when the house looks like a tornado went through it.  And we're only focusing on the living room today.

Of course, you're asking "How can you be cleaning and blogging at the same time?"  I'm very talented.  I'm waiting for the kids to get home.  I'm not dealing with THEIR mess on my own!!

Katherine is already home, but doing her homework.  Oh no!  She has to READ for homework.  The poor kid!  What a great homework assignment!  I wish I had that homework.  When I told Katherine the Christmas plans she added "Christmas cookies!" and I said, "Um...we'll see..." which means "Yeah...right..." More like Christmas pizza that dad picks up from Little Caesars!

I had a phone interview yesterday for a call center here in the St. Louis area.  Not to be confused with the call center that threw me under a bus and then backed up and proceeded to drive over me twelve times until I was good and dead.  I think it went well, but who knows.  If they "like" me, the hiring director will call me by next Monday for a face to face interview.  The pay is only $11/hour which of course, I'll take.  It's what we need to get by.  Do I want to hold out for something a little higher?  Of course.  Will I take pretty much any job at this point?  You know it...

Today I drove to Eureka to take what I thought was a 'typing test'.  I was told it was a typing test.  It is for one of the school districts (for secretarial positions) and while I wasn't thrilled about driving 45 minutes to Eureka just to show off my mad typing skills, if it helps me get a job, why not?  I almost didn't go, but at my dear husband's urging, I sighed heavily and did it anyway.

I should have run from the room when I saw the calculator, pen and a sheet of paper with mysterious looking numbers.  Wait...is that a MATH test???  Maybe that is for someone else...because I am here strictly for a typing test.

No.  The math test WAS for me.

Not only did I take a math test.  I was also tested on my ability to match/find the difference between words/numbers, spelling and vocabulary.  Oh, and I also took a typing test too.

They didn't score my math test, which is just as well.  Even with a calculator, I fear I may have failed it.  She said they were primarily interested in getting the other information (spelling, vocab, typing, etc...).

Here was the breakdown:

Matching - 30/30
Vocabulary - 20/20
Spelling - 19/20 (WHAT???  I have no clue which one I missed but I would like to contest it...)
Typing - 72 WPM with NO errors.  Yeah!  That's right!!

I wish that testing alone would secure me a job!!!  But unfortunately, I was told that the principals look at internal candidates first, and THEN move on to the online candidates if necessary.

For now, I wait.

And...since the Christmas children are home, the Christmas cleaning shall commence.


  1. you stole from me and didn't even mention me in the post... ;) I had written a post on the same thing and even used the same picture. I will consider it an honor...


  2. I had no idea I used the same picture. I wasn't intending to steal. :-) You must have influenced me somehow through your post and picture enough that that is the one I chose!! Sorry about that!

    1. I was just playing. It is interesting that we choose the same pic.. the subject was a given.
