Monday, November 8, 2010

Holiday shopping, all in one place!

I love Christmas!  Have I mentioned that before?  :-)

You love Christmas too right?  And this weekend there will be a Holiday Bazaar in St. Louis.  If you're in the area, here are some reasons you should attend:

#1.  You read the coolest blog ever and want to show everyone how cool you are - maybe I'll have a button that says "I'm awesome and I  read about this event on my favorite blog!"  Yeah, you are awesome and cool, but we all know there won't really be a button.  And that this likely is NOT your favorite blog!

#2.  You love free food.  Yes, that's right.  Free food.  For a small price.  Wait, what?  There is a SMALL $5 entry fee, which is going to cover to cost of the food.

#3.  You love giving to good causes.  This is to help raise money to get my kids into a new school building.  Not just my kids.  Lots of kids.  Who need a good school building.  So they can learn and become the Godly men and women of our future.  Most people love kids, right?  If you're interested in knowing more details on the whys of needing a new building (and yes it is a NEED), feel free to contact me.

#4.  You love all things "direct sales" related (WHO DOESN'T)!  There will be 20-25 different "vendors" there to make your shopping one-stop.  People like The Pampered Chef (you might just find me at that booth), Silpada Jewelry, Discovery Toys, Gold Canyon Candles, Uppercase Living, Thirty One, Mary Kay...  The list is endless.  Not really.  It's actually short in comparison with the concept of endless.

#5.  You love fashion!  There will be a mini fashion show, kids and adults, and it'll be adorable and fun, and DECENT.  No bikinis and short skirts...we ARE a Christian school after all and want to be proper!  Do you have a 9 year old who wants to wear the latest skimpy fashion?  Bring her (or him I suppose?) and maybe it'll be just what she (or he...) needs!

#6.  You have nothing better to do on Friday night, from 6:30-9:30pm and you are in the St. Louis area.  Let's face it.  If you're in the St. Louis area, THIS COULD BE YOU!

#7.  You write a blog called "The Life of a Sippy Cup Mom" and I'm begging  you to show up and keep me company for a few minutes - it's the least you can do for this shameless plug I just gave you!  ;-)

#8.  You're my friend or acquaintance and you hear my cries and pleas for someone, ANYONE (unless you're a creepy stalker then please stay away), to show up and keep me company.

#9.  You want a FREE incredibly valuable (and by valuable I mean it's worth $1 and has some awesome recipes in it) COOKBOOK, which you can get simply by saying "I read about this event on your blog!"  For real.  It's the least I can do.  You have to say those exact words though or I won't remember that I promised you a cookbook.

#10.  You love Christmas shopping!  This will be a great way for you to knock out some of your shopping.  Oh and don't worry, if you can't be there because you live out of town (that's the only acceptable reason for you not to attend), and you want anything from any of the vendors listed below, let me know and I'll find a way for you to order and have it shipped out to you.  For a complete list of vendors, contact me and I'll get that to you.

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