Friday, April 2, 2010

Think before you speak

That should be my motto: "Think before you speak." Many times though, I tend to speak before I think, especially when I am talking to Kris. A month or so ago we were having a conversation about driving and I happened to say to Kris "I'm not like you. I'm not stupid." The conversation went on after I said that and I explained what I meant and why I said what I did, but Kris said that he should write a book or 'collection' of all the random things I say in the course of a day that sound horrible when taken out of context. Granted, most of what I say sounds horrible in context, but there are some things that I say that I don't mean quite the way they sound.

Tonight was probably one of the funniest ones yet. When it came out of my mouth, I knew I'd have a lot of explaining, but I also knew it was worthy of sharing with others. My poor poor husband. He loves me so much and he tolerates me remarkably well-sometimes I don't know how he can stand it. Because he loves me and he knows me so well and knows that I only say things like that when I am being silly or teasing, he laughed instead of getting upset with me tonight when (through the course of a conversation about him shaving his face) I said "Sometimes I think about coming over there and kissing you and then I see your face." Now imagine if you overheard someone saying that, but didn't know the context in which it was said!

See why I should think before I speak?

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