Saturday, April 24, 2010

Gimp and blog buttons

Now I am really becoming sophisticated. Between what my husband has taught me using Gimp and some great tutorials I found on Mommy Moment, I now have a blog button that I am thrilled with!! Check it out:

Pretty cool huh? I think that is all the technical learning I will want for a while!! But all in all, I am very pleased with how it turned out. MUCH better than the first one I attempted...AND it matches my blog!


I have now designed a button for my other blog! What do you think?


  1. VERY nice!! Goin' have to follow that link to learn some Gimp myself!

  2. Thanks Heidi! I'm learning as I go with Gimp. It's confusing and not the most user-friendly...but you really can do A LOT!! Maybe I'll try to post some instructions on how to do some things in Gimp once I feel more comfortable with it.

  3. I love gimp. i to got a button by using gimp just tonight. i love your button so much that i added it to my blog.

  4. That's great Jessica! Thanks so much!!!

  5. Very cute both of them! Maybe someday soon here I'll work up the fortitude to make on! I'm kinda scared of technical stuff. hehe!
    Good job.

  6. Great buttons! I really want to figure out how to do some buttons:)

    I'm following you from MBC:)
