Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The End

All good things must come to an end.  Isn't that how the English proverb goes?

Sometimes, with endings, there is sadness.  Unless we're talking about the end of summer break when the kids FINALLY go back to school (not that I'm counting-just over 2 months!).

So, that being said, I am sad today.  "Why?" you ask?  Because something is coming to an end.  Something I cannot control.  Something I do not want to end.  Something that has been a source of great enjoyment and hours of living in another reality for me.

I am talking about The Wheel of Time Series.  Specifically book 13, Towers of Midnight.  Robert Jordan began the series and wrote the first 11 books before he died.  He had scripted out a lot of final book, which he intended to be one huge volume, but they are now breaking it into 3 different books.  Kris and I have been listening avidly to the entire series and books 12 and 13, finalized by Brandon Sanderson, using Jordan's notes.  From interviews with Sanderson, the final scene/ending was already written and it will be in the final book as it was written by Jordan, before his death.

What is sad is that there is about an hour and a half left in book 13.  And book 14 won't even be released in print until at least March 2012.  Which means it won't make it to Audible until after that.  So, in the next day or two, we will finish Towers of Midnight and have to wait almost a year to finally finish the series.  I can't even begin to think about the sadness that will consume me once the entire series ends.  *sigh*  It is by far the best series I have ever 'read'.  I highly recommend these books.  You will NOT be disappointed!  Unless you hate reading, and then that is just sad too.  :-)


  1. I love that series, too! And imagine how I've felt- I started reading it in '02 so I've had to wait for the last several books to come out! :) The whole world of it is very well thought out & I just love reading about the characters. My favs are Egwene & Matrim!

  2. I love them all. All the Ta'veren!! Matrim cracks me up!! I like Faile too and Tuon. I can't wait to see how all of that turns out. I also just got past the part where they are in the tower of Genji and we find out for sure that Noal is Jain Farstrider. LOVED that!! And there is SO much in the books you can re-read them and probably have a new story each time...
