Saturday, June 18, 2011

Another weekend

Unlike last weekend, our plans are somewhat laid back this stormy Father's Day weekend.  I'm up earlier than usual.  Especially for a weekend.  I don't even get up this early during the week!  Huge thunderstorms have been rolling through St. Louis and this morning was no exception!!  So my friend Faith and I spent an hour playing bridge online this morning...because we're geeks...and that's what we do, and the stupid storm had us both up at 6am.  But mostly because we're geeks.

I looking forward to my last massage today (because we cancelled my membership so we could pay for the Y), and then get to hang out with some pretty cool people, including my "bestest" girlfriend Jennifer, who moved to a galaxy far, far away from me (OK, so only 3 hours but whatever...).  I'm thankful, as I have said before, that she is in my life and that we connect on so many different levels.  Really looking forward to hanging out with her.  And Harry and Tara, if you're reading this, I'm excited about seeing you guys again too!  Though Harry, I may ignore you as payback...

We are going out to St. James tomorrow to surprise Kris' dad for Father's Day...and HOPEFULLY will be back in time to play bridge tomorrow night!  Again...because we're geeks.  And because it's pretty much the best card game ever and anyone who wants to make fun of me for that and this long run on sentence can just shut up...

I am hoping that next week isn't so chaotic and maybe I'll have more time to write.  I've been frenzied this past week...mentally and physically.  All over the place, and fighting a UTI since May 23!  Finally on a crazy strong antibiotic and for the first time in weeks feel better!  And the doctor is trying to find out which bacteria keeps causing these so that hopefully we can figure out a treatment plan.  In the meantime...she's put me on two probiotics, cranberry supplements and a digestive enzyme...

Uh oh...I hear one of the children literally pains me that I've been up for an hour and a half  while all the children sleep.  I guess it is bittersweet...because at least they didn't all wake up with the thunder!!  Kaleb is now up and asked what he could do.  I told him he could go downstairs, or clean but it was too dark.  Then I said "You have two options."  And he responded with "Actually that's only one option."  I started to argue then realized he was right.  I very clearly said it was too dark to clean!  Smart aleck.  He chose to go downstairs and I am now debating between trying to go back to sleep and doing some work I know I should get around to...

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