Sunday, January 30, 2011

That "dweam" wiffin a "dweam"

First things first...I have participated in Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop several times.  It's for me.  Sometimes it is just nice to have guided writing.  I get the prompts the Monday before we post, and I never write the post until the day of.  Because that's how I write.  I just wing it...sometimes.  That is the same thing that happened this past week, when I wrote my Ode to Red Hots.  I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was when I got a comment from the one and only Mama Kat!!!  Totally made my day!  Check it out-this is what she said, which pretty much made my day, as she is hands down my favorite blogger!!!

Mama Kat said... that you powered through and finished your poem. :) Even if you were drugged at the time. It totally made me smile!

SO FREAKING COOL!  You know, Mama Kat randomly posts about Ellen and wanting to meet her and be on her show.  I feel towards Mama Kat like she feels towards Ellen.  I really admire Mama Kat as a blogger and would love to meet her in real life, as well as have an awesome blog like she does!  Beyond loving her blog, the things she says about her life, her family...I totally relate to.  I love sarcasm and she is the queen of sarcasm.  So while I would love for Mama Kat to be my friend for now it's, it's MORE than enough that she commented on my blog!!!

Now I want to talk about dreams.

Have you ever had a dream that takes place within a dream? (Princess Bride anyone?)

I don't remember my dreams very often.  I don't know if you recall the last one I had that absolutely terrified me.  I can't even find it in my blog history, which now makes me question whether or not I actually wrote about it.  It was HORRIBLE!  I very seldom remember anything that I dream, likely because I never reach any kind of deep sleep.  One night a few months ago, I had two fuzzy navels.  And I woke up in the morning literally shaking because in my dream I watched Livvy fall out of a 2 story window and fall to the ground.  I rushed down the steps and saw her contorted little body.  Her eyes were open, looking at me...and then she died.  It was the worst dream I'd ever had and I vowed NEVER to have fuzzy navels before bed again.

So, no fuzzy navels last night.  Just the normal over-the-counter meds to help me sleep, plus the Xanax.  So I was surprised to find myself having such an awful dream again.  And I'm still really confused by the entire thing.  I don't think I'll really be able to make it out.

Additionally, have you ever been asleep and then woken up to find that you cannot move?  I mean literally paralyzed?  You can't move your head, arms, legs, etc...  You can't open your eyes.  You cannot move.  The only thing that is active is your mind?  This used to happen to me A LOT.  Lately it hasn't been happening and I am thankful.  It is terrifying when that happens.

Back to the dream.  The paragraph above was important because it happened again last night along with my dream.  It's never happened during a dream before.  Usually I will just wake up (mentally) to find that I CANNOT move or open my eyes or mouth.  Not so much last night.  There were several things that happened, the scariest of which I blocked out as soon as I woke up-I just know they happened.  But the part I can remember was that Kris and I were lying in bed sleeping.  I woke up to find about 3-4 kids standing over him.  They couldn't have been more than 9 or 10 years old.  And they were all holding ice picks or screwdrivers, like they were going to stab him.  He didn't get stabbed, and then the dream changed.  I began to see shapes on the walls.  But they didn't just stay on the walls.  They started moving towards me.  This happened several times and all I could do was scream.  In my dream.  I kept screaming Kris' name, to get him to wake up.  I needed him to wake up and convince me that it was just a nightmare.  So I laid there screaming, once more experiencing that paralysis I mentioned earlier.  I couldn't move.  I couldn't open my eyes.  And Kris couldn't hear me.  Which made me somehow realize that I was in a dream.

Then I became fully awake mentally and realized I was in my own room, in my bed, and had been DREAMING ABOUT DREAMING!  And to make it worse, I was still paralyzed.  I laid there trying to move.  Trying to open my eyes.  Trying to call out Kris' name.  Finally my mouth moved, my eyes open and I kept saying Kris' name over and over.  He finally sat up asking what was wrong.  I told him I had just had a really bad dream and asked him if he could hold me.  Which he did.  I looked at the clock and it was 6am.  I went back to sleep restlessly for another couple of hours, drifting in and out of sleep accompanied by that weird paralysis.

Has anything like that ever happened to you?


  1. Jason is a trained sleep study tech. He says that the paralysis means there is a disconnect between the pons and the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus normally initiates a sleep paralysis every time you enter REM, known as loss of muscle tone. This is so you don't act out your dreams. The two ways it can malfunction is sleep walking when there is no loss of muscle tone and sleep paralysis when you do not recover muscle tone after having left the REM stage. Although scary initially, it's nothing to worry about, he says you are probably waking up in the middle of a dream stage. He also says your sleep medicine may be triggering this. Jason has the same issue sometimes and me rubbing his limbs wakes them back up.

  2. Thanks Kat! I responded to your post on FB!
