Wednesday, September 11, 2013

He Is Beautiful To Me

While Kris and Kaleb are going through Every Young Man's Battle together, I picked out a book called Talking To Your Daughter About Best Friends and Mean Girls to go through with the girls.  One night a week we have been doing one of the ten included devotions together.  Each one has a topic to write about in a journal.  Tonight we were asked to write a letter to Jesus expressing how he was beautiful to us and I thought I would share the letters that we wrote.

Dear Jesus:

You are beautiful to me because:
You made my parents and made my sisters and brother and thank you for making everybody in the world.  And thank you for making cars so we don't have to walk and make our feet hurt a lot.  Thank you for making stuff to make money so we can buy food.  And thank you for suffering through the pain by going down to earth and getting really hurt by the people in the world to forgive our sins.  And of course thank you for making the earth so it will not be a dark planet with nothing on it.  Thank you for making of course Abbey, Katherine, Kaleb, Daddy, Mommy, and making Mammaw & Pappaw.  And Cindy Fry and Pappaw Dean and Uncle Brandon.  Of course, my family.

Love Olivia

Dear Jesus,

The Bible says beauty comes from the inside and not the outside.  You were probably nice, funny, and courageous so that means you are more beautiful than we can be without you.  We're so not like you.  We are disobedient, mean, spoiled, and unsatisfied.  Compared to you we are ugly.  A way to think about it is you are a barber and we have ugly hair so if we want to we can go to your for haircuts.

Your Creation,

Dear Jesus,

You are beautiful.  There are so many reasons for this.  First of all, you care.  You care about our feelings even when no one else does.  Also, you don't care.  You don't care how much we sin, or even if we hate you.  You still love us, and still died for us.  You are beautiful because you are strong.  And I don't mean strong like some people do-not showing emotion.  You cried.  I mean that you loved us so much you were strong enough to die on the cross, which was REALLY hard.  I love you and thank you.


Dear Jesus,

You are beautiful to me because:
You lived among the people, so you understood what it was like to live in a fallen world.
You chose to die a horrible, painful death-not simply because God told you to but because you loved me deeply.
Your ministry to the Jews provided me with the tools I need to fight against the devil, as he comes against me.  Your words to the people were powerful and give me what I need to stand in the light and truth.  Your sacrifice on the Cross is something that I can never repay, and something I will never forget.  When you said "Father, forgive them.  They know not what they do." I hear it as if you were speaking to me directly, and your words fill me with such hope and freedom.
Thank you for loving me enough to cover my sins with your blood.  I know that it was a heavy price to pay and I cannot express my gratitude enough.  You hold my heart and continue to teach me how to live each day.
Thank you for preparing a place for me in heaven so that one day I can tell my story along with the saints, and live forever in a place with no darkness, no pain, and no death.
You are beautiful beyond description and I cannot wait to fling myself into your arms and feel your embrace.

Child of the One True King,



  1. What an awesome thing to do. Your kids are smart beyond their years and are great writers, just like their mom! :)
